Page 12 of King

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Seeing Bailey cry had me feeling shit I hadn’t felt in years.

I didn’t like it.

Knowing that some motherfucker was threatening a woman under my clubs’ special protection didn’t sit well with me at all. I didn’t know what the fuck was going on, but I wasn’t leaving her alone in this place to cower in her fear. Dog said she needed my protection. Well, she was going to get it whether she liked it or not.

I wanted the ball-buster back.

I wanted the venom flowing freely from her lips.

I wanted her anger and hatred, not the scared and broken woman before me. Whoever fucked with her was going to die a slow, painful death. Nothing pissed me off more than a pissant lying douche canoe thinking they could take advantage of and abuse a woman for their pleasure. I didn’t claim to be the nicest of men, but that wasn’t going to stop me from protecting her and finding this motherfucker who dared to threaten her.

If it was the last thing I did, I was going to wrap my hands around the motherfuckers’ neck and squeeze the last breath from his body.

Marching down the steps, I placed her on her feet next to my bike. Getting on, I ordered, “Climb on.”

She stood stock still, shaking her head. Her arms wrapped around her middle, holding tight. I could see the indecision in her eyes. I knew she didn’t trust me. I didn’t trust her either, but that was neither here nor there. She was a special project, and I didn’t fuck around with those. Dog paid the ultimate price for her protection, and I was going to fulfill his last request.

“I’m not fucking around. Get on the bike.”

“I can’t.”

“Bailey, get on my bike!” I roared, making her jump. She looked at me in shock for a split second before doing as she was told. When she was on, I reached behind me, grabbed her hands and yanked her forward, until I pressed her body against my back. Starting my bike, I revved my engine a few times before I took off into the night.

The more I thought about the fucking poser, the angrier I got.

I needed to find this fucker fast and kill him before he could cause any more damage. I had too much shit going on for some dickcheese to come in and fuck it all up. I worked too damn hard to let it all come crumbling down around me. When I got back to the fucking clubhouse, I was going to have a serious conversation with this chick and make sure she fucking knew that there was only one motherfucking President of the Sons of Hell, and he was me.


Not some pussy named Czar.

The second I pulled into the compound and parked, the bitch bolted from my bike and took off running. Shaking my head, I whistled loudly as one of my boys came out of the night to stop her. She didn’t get far. I had to give it to her. She was a wily little thing, fighting and kicking to get out of Hawk’s arms. It was like watching a little mouse take on a lion. It never ended well for the mouse, just like it wasn’t going to end well for Bailey.

Getting off my bike, I walked over to where Hawk had a firm grip on her to find him amused. “Loose something King?”

“Yeah, my last fucking brain cell,” I said, grabbing her arm, yanking her towards me. “Gather the officers in the church. We have a situation.”

Dragging her behind me, I yanked and pulled her the entire way into the clubhouse, as she begged and pleaded. Seeing the boys partying, drinking and fucking, I ignored the looks my club brothers and cut sluts were giving me. I didn’t give a fuck what they thought or what they were thinking as I headed for the stairs. When she grabbed the stair rail, refusing to budge, I slapped my hand down on hers, causing her to scream out. The second she let go, I hauled her up and over my shoulder again and carried her kicking and screaming up to the second floor. Making my way down the long hallway, I kicked open my bedroom door and threw her on my bed.

“You will stay here,” I growled firmly, daring her to challenge me. I was at my limit. I wasn’t going to be responsible for my actions if she pushed me any further. I wasn’t so much as angry at her as I was with the bastard who threatened her.

“You can’t keep me here!”

“Oh cupcake, I can do a great many things and just so we are clear, there is only one chapter of the Sons of Hell, and I am the motherfucking President.”

That shut her up fast as her face paled, but that shocking revelation didn’t last long as she shouted, “Liar! Czar is the President!”

I just couldn’t with her anymore. I was going to strangle her before I even learned the truth. “When I come back, you are going to tell me everything I want to know. Now shut up, stop fighting me and stay the fuck put.”

Turning on my heels, I closed my door.

Reaching for my keys, as I locked the door and grinned when I heard her pounding hard on it from the other side. I ignored her screams and shouts, but when I heard her curse me, I smiled.

The bitch I could handle.

The other woman, no fucking way.

Making my way downstairs, I spotted Tragic leaning against the wall, looking bored. “New meat?”

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