Page 65 of King

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“Fucking amazing body too,” the bastard muttered, before quickly covering his mouth. Slowly getting to my feet, I barely made it around my desk before Scribe had the door open and was running.

Priest, Gunner, and Pyro were laughing their asses off as they walked into my office.

“Pussy lips still butt hurt?” Gunner chuckled, wiping his eyes. Yeah, the brothers were having a field day with Bailey’s punishment. Poor Scribe would never live this down.

“I saw him using bleach last night trying to remove the ink. All it did was irritate his skin and made the tattoo look swollen, as if someone just fucked his mouth,” Priest said, causing all of us to laugh harder.

“Tell me you got a picture of that?” Pyro asked.

“Better, I got video.”

“You gonna tell him that alcohol will remove it?” Pyro asked.

Shaking my head, I informed them. “No, it won’t because she didn’t just use sharpie ink. She also used Henna. She told me it was a special blend she created for customers who want a tattoo but are afraid of needles. The ink can last for up to eight months.”

My brothers and I lost it, laughing heartily.


Gasping for air, I looked up to find Frank and Hawk standing in the doorway. Neither looked happy. Sobering up, I asked. “Yeah?”

Frank looked at Hawk before stepping further into the room. The hairs on the back of my neck tingled, alerting me I wasn’t going to like what I was about to hear. “Mike just called. He spotted Havoc in town along with several of his friends.”

Jumping to my feet, I ran around my desk, rushing from my office towards the armory that was hidden right off the rec room. “Where is Bailey?”

Pyro hot on my heels answered. “She took the club’s SUV into town. She said she had to swing by the shop to discuss next week’s clients with Grinder.”

“SCRIBE!” I roared, typing in the code to unlock the large steel door. When the light turned green, I opened the heavy door and walked in, grabbing my weapon and several clips. “SCRIBE!” I yelled again when I heard him say.


“I need you to locate Bailey’s exact location.”

“Why? You gonna finally beat her ass.”

Turning, I grabbed him by his shirt and growled. “Ain’t fucking around, asshole. Havoc is in town. Exact location. Now.”

Scribe nodded and rushed from the room to do as I ordered.

Priest, Gunner, Pyro and Frank each gathered what they needed before we left the armory and headed for the front door. Placing a coms unit in my ear, I heard it crackled before Scribe’s voice penetrated my ear. “Okay King. She’s almost in town. You are going to have to hurry.”

Jumping on my bike, I ordered. “Call Grinder and let him know he’s about to have company. Then call Mike and tell him to lock down Beth and Jamie.”

“On it brother.”

Not waiting for the others, I peeled out of the compound and headed into town.

Chapter Twenty-Two


I pulled in front of my shop, turning off the engine. Hopping out of the large black SUV, I waved to Beth, seeing her outside sweeping the sidewalk in front of her shop.

Entering my shop, the chime dinged. Looking around for Grinder, I placed the keys on the reception desk. Walking past the tattooing stations heading for the stockroom when I found Grinder laying on the floor, blood pooling around his head.

“Grinder!” I shouted, dropping to my knees. Shaking him, I tried to roll him over when someone grabbed me by my hair, yanking me to my feet. Before I could scream out, my attacker threw me against the metal stocking shelves hard. Spinning me around, a large fist connected with my face, knocking me into the brick wall of my shop. Shaking my head, I tried to focus when a swift punch to my stomach robbed me of air. Before I could slide down to the floor, my attacker threw me over his shoulder as my world turned upside down. Hearing the back door of my shop close, I tried to gather my energy for what was to come.

It didn’t take a genius to know who had me. I wasn’t stupid. I hid for as long as I could, but knowing this motherfucker had a hard-on for King, I knew it wouldn’t be long before he showed up. I just didn’t prepare for a sneak attack. Fucker was good at that shit.
