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Thankfully, it seemed Gaylen was more than willing to be distracted. “We need to discuss that. Ender was going to be picking her up before then unless she said otherwise.”

That had both of them focusing on me, each looking curious in different ways. Daddy was cautious and probably didn’t want to push me, and Gaylen looked a bit wicked and like he wanted to push me.

Hoping wicked was a good sign, I tried to look confident and not as nervous as I felt. “I promise I won’t be offended if you tell me that you need space this evening. We’ve spent a lot of time together today.”

Sometimes I needed space from myself, so I wouldn’t blame them if they needed it, but…

Before they could jump in, I continued. “But if there’s an invitation to dinner and a grown-up type date coming, I wouldn’t say no to that.”

Daddy chuckled but Gaylen’s eyes sparkled with something sexy before he tried to dampen it down. “I think that sounds like a wonderful idea, and I think we can find something better than boxed mac and cheese. Why don’t you text Ender or call him, and I’ll start looking at dinner.”

As he stepped back into the kitchen, I smiled at Daddy. “Don’t tell him, but I like the boxed kind.”

Grinning, he nodded. “So do I. He’s ridiculous when it comes to food.”

They were both ridiculous but I wasn’t going to point that out. Instead, I looked around and frowned. “I don’t know where my phone is.”

Gaylen was helpful and called out from the kitchen. “It’s in the diaper bag on the other side of the couch. It also has a change of clothes, but that’s up to you.”

I thought that should be up to them but we hadn’t really talked about that. Our limits conversations had been based around other stuff and I was starting to think they’d both been picking what they thought were the least stressful conversations.

I wasn’t sure if that was something we should address now or later.

Ender had given me one lecture after another this week about not sending mixed signals and making sure they knew what I wanted. He was convinced they wanted a real relationship and he’d made it clear that I was going to fuck it up if I didn’t learn to communicate.

He also said I had to find a therapist again.

He was so bossy.

But for the time being, I needed to let the bossy man know that he didn’t have to come get me. As I hopped up and went over to the bag and started digging through it, I looked over at Daddy but knew Gaylen could hear me too. “Will you guys take me home later or should I have him come pick me up?”

“If you’re comfortable with it, we can take you home when you’re ready to go.” Gaylen called out the answer before Daddy could open his mouth, making him grin and nod his head.

The old-fashioned layout of the house was weird and made it so that I couldn’t see Gaylen in the kitchen, but I liked how cozy the rooms felt. I was getting ready to call out and tell Gaylen that was fine when he came out of the kitchen and leaned in the doorway. “The only condition is that you have to tell us if we do something to frustrate you or upset you.”

He was sexy as he relaxed against the frame and gave me a firm look that said he wasn’t going to budge on that rule. “If that’s too hard to promise, have Ender come pick you up about eight. That’ll give us time to have dinner and watch something with explosions after we eat.”

So explosions were what made something a grown-up movie?

I thought that was debatable, but I knew I couldn’t ignore the other part of what he’d said. Gaylen wasn’t as much of a softie as Daddy was and he wouldn’t let me avoid the discussion entirely. “How about if I tell you that I’ll do my best? I want to stay and… and I’ve had fun today… but sometimes things like that just don’t always… sometimes it’s hard?”

I wasn’t sure I was explaining it right but Gaylen nodded and seemed to understand. He came over, crossing the room and crouching down beside me. Daddy was suspiciously quiet, but I had a feeling he thought this was Gaylen’s time with me.

Gaylen still seemed firm about this, but he kissed my cheek, making me smile. “Doing your best is all I can ask, but that also means if I think something is off or I’m concerned, I’m going to explain that and ask a lot of questions. A lot. Understand?”

I had a feelinga lotwould be an understatement.

“Yes, Sir.” It wasn’t planned but I could see the spark of pleasure it got from the sexy Dom.


I hadn’t forgotten that part of him but he was always cute and grumpy when Daddy was being Daddy… and when we’d gone on our date, he’d been careful of me. I was starting to see why and I had to admit he’d been right, but what did that mean for now?

“Can…” Taking a deep breath before he could move away, I tried again. “Can I ask you something, Sir? It’s okay if you tell me no.”

His head cocked slightly to the side and he studied me for a moment before he nodded. “Of course, but just so we’re clear, I will base my answer on what I think is best for you.”

It wasn’t really a question, but I nodded anyway. “Yes, Sir. I understand.”
