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She was like the silliest audience member at a live porn production and she couldn’t hold back her excitement. “Oh, you’re both…”

Seeing so clearly that she didn’t have a problem with two men together was a relief but it was also the cutest thing ever… especially because her happiness seemed to make Harper more turned on. They were ridiculous and just the most perfect people I’d ever imagined having in my life.

I loved the way they fed off each other’s emotions and had developed an immediate bond that seemed to just keep getting stronger… and I loved the way they took that bond and used it to bring us all closer together.

And I especially loved that her fantasy involved his lips around my dick.

She was amazing.

But he was fucking distracting and watching him kiss over my bulge, not even freeing my dick, made it impossible to think of anything but his mouth around my cock.

He was taking his sweet fucking time, though.

“If you make me wait, I’m going to wake Tabitha up tomorrow with an orgasm so she won’t even think about being little. I’ve still got surprises she hasn’t seen yet.” That insane threat had him glaring at me and Tabitha burying her head again as her body shook with barely suppressed laughter.

“That’s playing dirty.” Harper’s glare was sexy and just fucking perfect because he didn’t let it out that often. “Don’t pull out the big guns unless you’re prepared to pick up goat shit. Did you know you can rent them? Rented animals aren’t pets.”

“I have three words for you… vegan diet challenge.” That shut him up real fast.

There’d been some kind of health kick craze going around his campus lately and the current focus was to get the professors to commit to going vegan for a month. Harper had been doing his best to hide from everyone associated with it because all his favorite junk food would’ve been on the chopping block.

“If you’re not nice to me, I’ll tell that nutty geology professor where you’ve been hiding on your lunch hour.”

Ha, I won.

“Dick.” His snark was short lived because Tabitha’s technically silent giggles were now shaking the bed. “Et tu, kitten?”

His Caesar reference had her laughter breaking out, no longer silent, but she got ahold of it quickly and gave her Daddy a wide-eyed pout. “I just love seeing how cute you are with Master Gaylen, Daddy.”

The sucker fell for it like a rock.

He immediately went all mushy, giving her a loving look that had her scooting closer and giving him an utterly innocent kiss.

She was learning how to manipulate her Daddy perfectly.

I definitely approved, especially when it brought her face so close to my cock and she snuggled in tight against me. The cute little brat even stroked my thigh as she rubbed her face against my hip, drawing attention to the fabric and just looking sexy as fuck in general. “I’ve been so patient, Daddy.”

And so had I.

She was definitely going to get a reward later because her Daddy melted again, kissing her softly and smiling tenderly at her. “Do you want to snuggle your Master while I give you your reward for being such a good girl for your spanking?”

The logic in this seemed questionable since I was the one getting the blow job but I wasn’t going to point that out since we were all getting what we wanted. Tabitha didn’t seem to be concerned with the ridiculous logic either because she nodded eagerly and stroked her hand higher to caress right over my cock. “Thank you, Daddy.”

Oh no, thank you, kitten.

I’d tell her that later, though, because for now they’d decided that freeing my dick was the next step in her reward.

I approved.

And I was grateful that I’d picked the pants that came off the easiest for this scene. I might’ve had several pairs, not because I liked them but because Harper wasn’t as subtle as he thought when it came to his views on men in leather.

They made him come like a fucking firecracker.

Tabitha seemed to agree with his preference because she rubbed her face against the fabric and made a low, sexy sound as he slowly released the buttons on the pants. “I was a very good girl, Daddy.”

Lifting my hips as I wondered what that meant in terms of the fantasy they’d concocted, I had to let that curiosity go as she lifted her head just enough for Harper to free my dick. I was already achingly hard but the way she squirmed against me and his hands stroked over my legs as he tugged the pants off had me hard as a rock with my dick straining toward the ceiling.

Harper nodded and leaned over to kiss her cheek, completely ignoring my dick as I grumbled. “You were very good, sweetheart.”

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