Page 81 of Stealing Home

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“I was going for devil,” she says, ending the sentence on a gasp as I nudge her clit. I turn my head into her thigh to give it a kiss. I grab her ass, urging her to give me all of her weight.

“Never,” I say breathlessly. “You’ll always be an angel to me. You might try to be a devil to everyone else, but you’re my angel.”

Her eyes widen. “Sebastian.”

I smile against her. I dig my fingers into her firm ass, licking and sucking wherever I can reach. A constant stream of whines and whimpers escape her mouth, but I don’t let up, not when she’s so close to the edge. She moves against me, just a little at first but then gaining steam, her hands sinking into my hair and tugging sharply.

“Spank me,” she says with a whimper. “Please, I need—”

I slap her bottom hard enough she gasps. “I’m so close.”

I hit her again, on the other side, fucking her with my tongue as I do. Her body tenses, and then she’s coming, crying out my name loudly enough I hope Cooper and Penny are too busy with each other to notice. I keep licking at her, dragging my fingers over the crease of her bottom, until she whines, twisting out of my grip. She flops next to me.

For a long moment, neither of us say anything. We just lay there in comfortable silence, listening to each other breathe. My chest continues to ache, and I bite my lip as I smile. I hope the skin bruises. I want the reminder of her on my skin for days to come.

Eventually, I wriggle out of my ruined jeans, turning so I can cuddle against her warmth. She meets my eyes, her hand stroking through my hair again, gentle this time.

I throw my arm over her and bury my face against her tits. I press a kiss to her flushed skin, right in the middle of her sternum.

“Was I good enough for you?” I tease. “Kept up my end of the bet?”

“No complaints here.” She strokes her thumb over my tattoo. I shiver. “You’re okay, right? That wasn’t too much?”

“You’re kidding, right? That was the hottest fucking thing in the world. Patting myself on the back for replacing those boots.”

“I’ve always wanted to try it.”

I kiss her on the lips, licking off the remainder of the gloss. “You can always try anything with me.”



Professor Santoro flipsthrough the article in her lap as she taps her foot against the floor. She scans the room, a classroom filled to the brim with lab assistants, the graduate students, and the other professors in her department. The moment she walked onto campus this morning—earlier than expected, which sent Alice into a tizzy—everyone dropped what they were doing and flocked to her for an impromptu discussion of her latest article draft.

During these discussions, I know when to hold my tongue and listen, but I did manage to sneak in a couple good comments, plus one question that set off a round of arguing, so all in all, I’d consider the morning a success.

Moments like this are both humbling and inspiring. I know that I’m not the most knowledgeable person in the room, and perhaps not the smartest, but if there’s anything I am, it’s stubborn and a hard worker. One day, I want to be at the head of the table like Professor Santoro, doing research that matters.

“I think this is a good place to end the discussion,” she says. She takes off her reading glasses, twisting them between her thumb and forefinger as she nods. “Good contributions, everyone. Thank you for the feedback. Mia, can I talk to you for a moment?”

I sit up straighter. As far as I know, I’m still giving a presentation at the symposium—but I haven’t started it yet. Our reworked program is nearly in good shape, thanks to Alice’s feedback, which was smart even if it lacked in delivery, but I have simulations to run and data to process, not to mention condensing the whole subject into something I can give a talk on, and defend—because if there’s one thing scientists love to do, it’s ask questions. If there isn’t debate when you bring forth ideas, you’ve fucked something up.

I swallow, adjusting my ponytail as I try to ignore the look Alice gives me before leaving the room along with everyone else. At least I’m presentable this morning; Sebastian tried to keep me in bed way past when I had to start getting ready for work, but I showered and got dressed in record time. I don’t blame him for wanting to stay in bed, though. He has that interview with the reporter fromThe Sportsmantoday, and I have the sense he would rather perform a root canal on himself with a pair of tweezers than talk to her.

Professor Santoro gives me a smile, tilting her head to the side. “How have things been?”

“Good.” I force myself to stop playing with the ponytail. I could tell her about Alice, but there’s no point in making it into a bigger deal than it is, so I just say, “I’ve been working on everything I’m assigned. Alice has been giving me good feedback to work with.”

“But you’re not finished with it yet?”

“No.” I meet her gaze. “I just need a few more days.”

She nods. “A couple more days, then I want to see it up and running, Mia. If we need to work out any kinks, I would prefer to do it with enough time to process and synthesize it. You’ve been putting in the hours, right? I know I need to check the timesheets you left in the mailbox.”

“Of course.” I rub my thumb over my knuckles. “I’ve been coming in early every day. Staying late, too, when I need to.”

Technically speaking, I had been doing that, but ever since things changed with Sebastian, I’ve spent more time with him than in the lab. Yesterday, I went to his practice—something I literally thought I’d never do for a partner—and enjoyed myself. It brought back memories of playing softball in high school, and seeing him run around like a badass in his practice gear wasn’t a hardship, either. Neither was dancing with him in the kitchen in the middle of another sleepless night while curry simmered on the stove.
