Page 34 of Running Wild

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Eager and excited to see what she’s got in mind, I nod. As we wait, Presley asks us what we’ve had to do being prospects. Both Hannah and I break out laughing and don’t hold anything back. Some of the things the sisters make us do are disgusting and gross, but as we’ve been told, if we can’t handle what they want us to do, we won’t be able to handle the unmentionable stuff that happens when our club breaks up the human trafficking circuits or when we rescue people in domestic abuse cases. From what I know, the Grimm Wolves MC got involved when their enforcer was taken by a sick individual who peddled in human flesh. Or that’s the way Shadow explained it to us.

Presley is filled with questions and the more we tell him, the greener his face gets. Oh, this boy is in for a huge surprise. Yeah, the Devil’s Handmaidens is a motorcycle club, but we have our own mission in view, while the Grimm Wolves motorcycle club is a true one-hundred-percent, one-percent club. Hannah is poking the bear, stretching the truth sort of, when she answers some of Presley’s questions, and he finally catches on. He tickles her and she squeals, which has everyone around us looking our way. Damn, I scrunch down to hide, not one who likes a lot of attention.

At that moment our waitress comes our way with a huge tray of food. Oh my God, she’s got to be kidding. When I see her face, she’s smiling hugely, eyes twinkling.

“So this is our ultimate combination. You get a little bit of everything and then some. I have to go back, got two more plates. Be right back.”

I look up and half the table is all my food. Hannah’s face is pink from holding in her laughter while Presley won’t even look me in the eye.

“Don’t say a word, you two. Please just help me eat some of this food, don’t want to waste it. There is no way I’m going to be able to finish even half of this. Come on, especially you, Hannah, we’re sisters, for God’s sake. And, Presley, you’re a dude. Generally you guys can eat half your weight and not gain a pound. Can I depend on you both with this mission?”

After they both finally stop giggling, they nod and start to grab some food off the multiple plates on our table. Just as two are emptied, the waitress drops one of the hugest cinnamon rolls I’ve ever seen. And it’s dripping with frosting melting down the sides. Oh God, at that moment my stomach growls loudly because it looks so scrumptious and gooey. Before either of my friends can grab it, I pull it to my side because this is something I’ll definitely shove into my piehole for sure.

As we all dig in, we continue to banter back and forth. Just hanging out with both of them has made me feel better already, and not so alone like I’ve been feeling of late. Funny how Hannah knew something was off and included me in her date. I owe her and we haven’t even decided what’s up next. Not sure how, but deep inside something tells me today is going to be a great day. Which is awesome because we leave in less than thirty-six hours to head back to Timber-Ghost, Montana. And then to our club punishment for disappearing.




Just watching Dani’s stress sliding away, I smile to myself. Been watching her since we left and even though when she called the club to tell them where we were and okay, something’s been off with her. And us prospects need to have each other’s backs.

As we finish our breakfast, we’re trying to decide what to do next. It’s going to have to be within walking distance or we’ll have to order an Uber. The consensus is to walk around the property and do some shopping first, which I’m all on board with since I never got to do that kind of stuff when Buck took me and held me captive.

I go to reach for my wallet when I feel Presley’s hand on my thigh. He squeezes and I look his way to see him shaking his head.

“No, Itty Bitty, when you’re with me, I pay. No, we’re not going to get into another thirty-minute discussion. I was raised this way, and nothing is going to change me. Dani, that goes for you too. Don’t want to hear it, just say thanks, both of you. Oh, here you go, thanks, hon.”

He hands a credit card to the waitress, who takes off while both Dani’s and my mouths drop open. Really? What... are we back in the nineties or even further back? I mean, I know this is rare with most dates. It’s usually a fifty-fifty split or one time one person pays then the next the other does. Some of the club sisters and some employees have gone on some dating sites since we live in Bumfuck, Montana. Some of the stories have cracked me up. Kitty met some dude in Billings and before they even started talking, he asked her if she was going to sleep with him that night. When she said no, he got up and said he didn’t have time to waste if that wasn’t where they would end up, since he had a few other women who promised him sex. Even though Kitty is shy, she told us she threw water on his face, which had everyone watching them. That embarrassed the jerk, and he took off. Since then Kitty hasn’t gone back on the dating site. Thus why all of us read romance books to get our thrills.

We exit the coffee shop and start walking toward the main entrance. Going to grab a resort map so we can get a plan together. We joke back and forth all the way. A beautiful day with the sun shining and hanging with friends, can’t ask for anything better. Well, that is until I look up and see Kathleen Kelly and her husband walking right toward us. It must show on my face because she gives me a huge smile and when we’re close enough, in a beautiful accent, she greets us. That starts a very long conversation with the two of them, yet another example of how the authors at this signing are beyond phenomenal.

* * *

Holy mother of God, my legs are starting to cramp from all the walking we’ve been doing. If I get a charley horse, I’m done for sure. Dani is blabbering about something to Presley so I take a minute to try and stretch my muscles. Dang it, I’m not even old. If I can’t walk around for a couple of hours without being in pain, hate to see how I’m going to be doing when I’m Maggie and Auntie Zoey’s age.

“Itty Bitty, what’s wrong, you look like you’re in pain? Come on, talk to me, will you? I’m getting worried now, so spill it.”

As I try to explain to him what’s going on, I see a bottled drink pushed into my face.

“Sister, I’d bet my last dollar you’re getting really dehydrated, Hannah. It’s hotter than hell and we’ve been pounding the pavement for hours. Drink up and I mean all of it. Presley, let’s get her out of the sun by those trees with benches under them. Come on, pain in our asses, we got you.”

Trying my best to just put one foot in front of the other, suddenly a sharp pain has a loud groan of pain come out in a shriek. Bottle is almost empty, why is this still happening? Dani and Presley get me to the bench when he kneels before me, lifting one foot and putting it on his thigh. Then he starts to rub my leg slowly and gently. It feels good and bad at the same time.

“Itty Bitty, try and relax. Close your eyes and breathe. Dani and I got this, promise.”

Before I can say a word, a cool something hits my neck and, damn, does that feel good.

“Squirt, think not only are you dehydrated but also might have a bit of sunstroke. Your cheeks are a rosy pink. This Texas sun is so much stronger than back home. Just chill, will you please?”

Not sure how long we hang under the tree, me sipping—on and off—every bottle of water they give me. Presley massages both of my legs, preventing any serious cramping. Dani keeps putting wet napkins on my neck and forehead. After about twenty minutes, I start to feel like my old self. Dang, that was some serious nasty shit.

“Hey, I’m feeling better, we can go back to the shops. Come on, our time here is coming to an end. Don’t want to be the one to be a buzzkill.”

They both shake their heads. Dani gathers all the garbage and walks to a trash can, throwing everything in there, then walks to a vending machine for what… I don’t know.

Presley plops down next to me, making sure our bodies don’t touch. I get it because it is so hot we are both sweating, so he’s being kind by giving me some space. He reaches for my hand and we sit there holding hands. When Dani comes back, she tosses a granola bar at me.

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