Page 22 of Frost Wolf

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“I never thought of that.” I smiled at Karl, feeling like an utter fool.

Karl was a good guy. He didn’t assume for a second that maybe the wolves were the good guys. On the other hand, why did I hold on to that belief? What if Soren wasn’t good? What if he was the villain, the big bad wolf in this story, and I’m the stupid girl who gets eaten?

Fuck, thinking about getting eaten by Soren made my cheeks burn, and my heart beat faster. I barely suppressed the need to press my hand over my heart. Images of Soren and I kissing entered my mind. I hated myself for it, but I wished it would happen.

Karl kept talking. He even showed me things on his phone. All I could say was, “Uhuh” and “Yeah.”

“I’ll pick you up at ten at your place, okay?” asked Karl.

I nodded like a dumb person. I’m too caught up in my personal fantasy about the hot man who stepped into my life without knocking.

Soren doesn’t want you, I kept telling myself. Why would he? There wasn’t a single reason he would. All my life, I was cute, maybe even pretty, and I was okay with that. I’ve never been a Beauty Queen or the girl men were obsessed with. I dated a few guys in high school, and that was cool. Then I left for nursing school, met Nick, and that was it. Once I started to date him, I knew I was okay. I wanted to stop dating, to wake up with the same guy every morning. I was not an adventurous woman, and intimacy was difficult for me. Nick often accused me of making him feel unwanted or undesired. Being overly sexy and seductive was not easy for me.

Karl kept talking and left at some point. My mind bounced between Nick and Soren like a ping-pong ball.

Two days had passed since I last saw Soren, and I felt an emptiness in my stomach. Can you miss someone you never had and long for the memory of something that won’t happen?

“Aww, you got it bad, girl.”

Aly walked up to me and whispered into my ear from behind.

“I see that moony face. I knew it. Karl is cute, and he is soooo into you. I asked around. He’s a good guy. He doesn’t drink, doesn’t do drugs. He even volunteers and stuff. I’m so happy for you.”

“It’s not Karl.” The words slipped out of my mouth before I could hold them back.

“Then who? Dr Whitney?”

“Gross, no, He’s like hundred. No one. I’m just happy about getting this chart done.”

She looked at the screen. I was working on a chart, but it was boring.

“I won’t leave until you tell me.”


“Don’t play with me, girl. Tell me the name of the guy who makes you smile like that.”

I inhaled. There was no way I’d get Aly to stop asking and, if I didn’t give her anything, she would assume it was Karl.

“It’s a guy I met on the Internet. He’s cool. It’s all new.”

Aly squealed. Her explosion of joy felt almost contagious.

“It’s good that you got back in the game, girl. Yay. What does he look like? Tell me everything, please.”

“I don’t know. We met on one of them… umm….” I was trying to come up with a lie. “Supernaturalforums.”

Aly inhaled sharply between her teeth. “Make sure he’s not like a basement dweller, okay?”

I turned my head towards her and watched her expression. “A what?”

“Basement dweller. A guy who lives in his mom’s basement and writes all day conspiracy theories on the Internet.”

“No, I don’t think so. It’s only a fun chat.”

“Have you sexted?”

