Page 50 of Frost Wolf

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She’s going to love us.

Torin posted three more wolf emojis. I found myself chuckling in bed. My mate was still sleeping. I loved watching her dream, feeling her breath touching my skin.

Torin always carried a big torch for Ruby. She wasn’t his Fated Mate, but not all of us had that mate. Many of us dated and had lovers. I’m not a three-hundred-year-old wolf and a virgin. There were women I cared for deeply, some I even believed I loved in a certain way. But there was always a part of my heart that was untouchable. Not because I refused to let them see that. I just couldn’t. I knew that one day, when I met my mate, she would see my entire self, not just bits and pieces, the parts of myself that I liked to show them.


Yana steered in my arms. I pulled her closer to me. There was not enough space between us to fit a piece of paper but, if I could have melted my heart and body into hers, I would have gladly done so.

“Hey,” Yana whispered into my ear, her hand moving over my naked chest.

“I didn’t mean to wake you. I was texting.”

“Do I need to kill her?”


“Kill the chick texting my mate in the middle of the night.”

“Wanna see a pic?”

I kissed Yana on her head and showed her a picture of Torin—a two-hundred-fifty-pound biker-looking Viking Frost Wolf.

“Mmmm, she’s hot. I can’t complain.”

“This is Torin, my pack brother and my best friend. You will meet him later today.”

Yana sat up as if a lightning bolt shot through her. “What do you mean? How today?”

“I’m part of a pack. They are my family, and you are my mate. We are Frost Wolves. We don’t have secrets in front of our mates. All my brothers want to meet you. They’re dying to welcome you.”

I could smell her blushing. Her heart beat louder.

“I… what if they don’t like me? What if they hate me?”

“You’re my mate. They love you already. It’s just a meal. Torin is an excellent cook.”

“Wait, Mr Wolf. I don’t even know where you live.”

“Down in Belmont. We have a house. You’ll see. The guys are doing a BBQ today.”

“All day?” Her fear filled the room. The last thing I wanted was to scare my mate or hurt her in any way.

“I need a shower. Join me?”

Yana took my hand. A few minutes later, we were under a hot stream of water. My hands moved over her gorgeous body as I confined each piece of her to my memory. She was the most beautiful and perfect creature I have ever seen. She was in my arms, her legs wrapped around my midsection, making me forget my name. Heat and steam wrapped around us. Her scent made the steam taste like heaven.

“Bury yourself in me. Now.”

I kissed her. She had a way of melting me, of making me forget about everything that was not her. Holding her, feeling her skin slide over mine, hearing her moans, and tasting her swollen lip, made me feel as if only she could hold me on the planet’s surface.

“Fill me up, Soren.”

“Your wish is my command, mate.”

The water hit on my back as I pushed Yana against the wall and pumped inside her hard, showing her how much I adored her. An electric current ran down my spine and made me want to lose myself in her.

