Page 59 of Frost Wolf

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Yana left.

My fist punched the wall hard. Alistair was the curse of my existence as the alpha and pack leader.

Seeing red and wanting to rip him to shreds for pushing my mate away, I stormed into his room. The double door flew against the wall once my boot connected with it. The bang was loud and reassuring.

Alistair lay on the bed, still naked, with a half-open bottle of bourbon in his hand. The dark, stinking liquid spilled over the shiny hardwood floor. His room was a mess. Books, half open, half torn apart, were all over the floor and shelves. His closet door was open, and piles of jeans and dirty boots lined the walls.

“This place is a pig sty,” I called out to Alistair’s unmoving form, using my deep alpha voice and tone to make him hear me.

“Oink, oink.”

“Stand up.” I put every ounce of command in my voice. Alistair was alpha once but stepped away, and he was not the alpha of this pack. Even strong personalities need a leader, and the guys wanted me.

“Fuck you.”

“What did you just say?”

My voice boomed. The walls shivered as I called out to Alistair, who still lay face down with his ass in my direction.

Alistair sat up slowly. His red eyes sparkled, provoking me. “Fuck you, alpha.”

“I came to talk, but you give me no choice.”

In one step, I was next to the bed. I grabbed Alistair by his throat, lifted him off the bed, and pinned him against the wall. His stinking breath filled my nostrils.

“And now what? Will you kill me?” he asked, defiance ringing in his voice.

“We used to be friends, man? What’s wrong with you?”

“You are. You, with your head shoved all the way up your ass. That’s what’s wrong with me.”

“I tried to work things out with you.”

“That she died was my fault, and now you go mate my daughter.”

Alistair’s words punched me in the gut. He was right. There are days when I forget he is Yana’s father, even though he doesn’t want to have any connections with her after what he went through.

When his mate was killed, Alistair was taken by the Demons. He was locked for over ten years in their dimension until we managed to find him and bring him back. When he returned, he was a husk of his former self.

“I want you to leave her alone, Soren.”

“No. I already did that twenty years ago when Ruby asked me. Hiding like a coward is something I don’t . I’m no coward.”

A pained smile covered his face. “You don’t know what you are talking about. Being away from my daughter was the hardest thing I ever experienced.”

“We all respected your wish not to tell her, but you have only two choices. You either tell her, stand up to her like a man, or leave and never return. I won’t have my mate suffer because of you.”

Alistair was strong. Fuck, how could I forget? His fist connected with the side of my head and stars filled my vision, making it hard to stand up. My grip around his throat loosened, and he slipped between my fingers.

“Let’s do it your way, pup,” he called out before he tried to hit me full-on in my gut.

I sidestepped, and he missed. I landed a blow with my leg against his dangling parts. Alistair sank to his knees, then quickly rose to his feet and landed a blow to my jaw. As I toppled over, my heel connected with his head. I jumped on top of him, pummeling him under a rain of hard blows.

Everything around me turned red. My wolf was close to the surface. This was an attempt to take my mate, no matter the reasons. The human part of my brain melted away, and I was powered by rage and a desire for blood. My wolf didn’t care for logic. This man was my mate’s father, the wolf standing between me and her. He pushed her away. He lived a life of sadness and regret, and now he wanted us to live the same way.

My knuckles were covered in blood. My face was sweaty. And still, the rage was not satisfied.

Alistair stopped moving. His face looked like a meatloaf. My wolf was still crazy, still trying to break him apart.
