Page 74 of Frost Wolf

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My instincts took over. I wrapped my hand around his throat. The sound his neck made when I crushed his spine, and when his body went limp, made my wolf purr with pleasure. Karl was scum.



My senses were numb, and my feet were frozen.

“Okay, where the hell am I?” I called out to the silence around me.

I had no idea how much time had passed because I had been sedated. My stomach rebelled against the drug they gave me. A blindfold covered my eyes. White ties used to hold electrical cords together bound my wrists. I smelled old motor oil and fuel.

Where am I?

Who would go through the effort of kidnapping me?

“Hey, fucker, whoever you are. My man will find you, and you’ll regret taking me.”

A familiar laugh filled the area, bouncing off the walls.

Where were we? My mind tried to fit the place’s smell and size with everything I knew about the town and its abandoned spots. It was not the old mill because that place smelled like alcohol, piss and a touch of forest.

Think Yana.

And the laugh had a touch of madness to it and something familiar that made my marrow freeze deep inside my bones.

Footsteps echoed and came closer to me. I could feel them reverberate inside my body.

I had that sensation again that my stomach was trying to empty itself. I can’t vomit, not now. I’m weird like that. I don’t have issues with other people vomiting, but I can’t stand my own puke. As a nurse, I had my fair share of it, so I could happily skip mine.

A hand touched my shoulder. It was warm, welcoming, and so damn familiar, like that laugh and scent. As the man walked around me, I tried to match the memory. My heart skipped a beat when my brain finally put the pieces of the puzzle together.


My voice shook with unspoken terror. This couldn’t be. I felt so fucking helpless without having a weapon to protect myself.

He yanked the blindfold off my face. Blinding light filled my vision. Until the last second, I hoped that I was wrong. That this wasn’t Nick. It couldn’t be.

“I always knew that you were a smart one, sweetheart.”

I hated his pet name for me. The moment I saw his face, my life broke down, like a sandcastle kicked way too hard by a moody kid.

“Nick, what the fuck is wrong with you, you idiot?”

The expression on his face was not the one I was used to seeing over fifteen years. Even though he looked like the man I had loved, this was not him.

He made a noise with his tongue.

“Is this the right way to address your kidnapper?”

My mind was spinning. I couldn’t stop it. The donut and coffee in my stomach rebelled, and a wild stream of vomit worthy ofThe Exorcistlanded in front of me and all over his pants.

“Really, Yana? That’s disgusting.”

He used the water bottle in his hand and tried to clean the puke from his shoes and jeans.

“I aimed for your face.”

“You’re such a fucking bitch. See this water? I was about to offer it to you, but now I won’t. I’ll let you enjoy the taste of your puke because I know how much you like that.”

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