Page 85 of Frost Wolf

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“We’ll go wherever our legs take us. Follow your instinct, my mate.”

I allowed my wolf to take over and howled loudly. The pack was suddenly in my mind. They all howled. I understood the howl.

“They can join us next time.”

I laughed in my head. It sounded like a bark in my wolf body.

A small stream crossed our path. I jumped in it, cracking the thin ice that covered the water's edges, loving its cool fresh feel as it splashed on my fur and all over me.

Soren jumped, and I followed. We ran and jumped and allowed us to celebrate our wedding day on this beautiful winter day.

I jumped over Soren and giggled at my newfound strength and agility. When he attempted the same thing, being larger, we rolled down in a tangle of limbs and laughed. He shifted back, and we lay there on the fresh snow. My husband was naked and glorious. The snow melted around him and steam rose. Every inch of his body made my mouth water.

“How am I doing this?” I asked. He was still in my head.

“Breathe and imagine your body changing to the human shape, like dough.”

I had to giggle at the comparison. I wasn’t dough, but I tried it, pressing my eyes shut as I did it.


My body felt suddenly like hot liquid. I changed from my furry wolf form to my human one.

“I’m not cold,” I said as I found myself naked, lying in the pure, untouched snow of the winter solstice.

“You are hot and gorgeous.” Soren’s mouth landed on mine and we kissed. Our hands moved over our bodies, exploring the landscape we already knew. His hot lips landed on my throat as his hard-as-rock cock pushed between my hot folds, possessing me wildly on the snow.

My nails elongated and became claws as I pushed them into his soft skin. Blood dripped on the snow, but the wounds would heal quickly. Our lips crashed. His mouth took mine, possessing it, plundering it, and making me moan.

His eyes froze on mine. “My mate”

As Soren said the words, something old that was now part of my blood boiled inside me. I leaned my head closer to his shoulder and bit down on the spot where his shoulder joined his neck. Blood trickled into my mouth. His hand slid into my hair and pulled me closer, fucking me harder.

I felt my insides clench. He possessed me as I took him. We were one and still different. He was home. He was molten heat that ran inside and around my body. My mind exploded into thousand pieces. Soren cried out as I exploded around him, pulling my mouth back from the bite.

I admired the hickie I had given for a few seconds before it was gone.

“Yana, you marked me. That’s alpha behavior.”

Clasping his perfect face in my hands, I brought our heads together and rubbed my nose against his.

“Wanna spank me?” I asked with a giggle and kissed him fully.

We crashed on the snow. My head was on his chest, and I allowed the world to melt away like the snow when it touched our hot wolf bodies. There were so many things I had to tell him, but it felt as if I had all eternity to do so.

I’m a wolf shifter. I never knew my life could change that much.

A few years later

Summer turned the forest into a beautiful playground.

I was in my wolf shape, running, trying to run as fast as possible but making sure she could catch up with me.

“Run, Mia, run,” I cheered on my daughter in my head.

She was four and the first-born female Frost Wolf. She had me, her dad, and the big pack of loving, doting wolf uncles who would kill for her.

Mia was unique, still a cub. She ran behind me at an impressive tempo. I acted as if I stumbled and stopped flat in the grass.
