Page 31 of Elemental Evolved

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Dresden and Niall were keeping most of the cult away from Kai, while other Agarthans had somehow become aware of the battle and came to help. I ran to my new husband, intent on assessing his wounds and seeing what was wrong and how I could help.

I called to Dres mentally, not wanting to startle him.Is Kai okay?

Not so much, ladybird.Dread pooled in my stomach, and a shiver ran down my spine at the thought of losing Kai, especially when we had only just connected.

I had all four stones, and I had all four baby dragons. I wouldn't let him take any of my men from me.

The Agarthans fighting with us seemed to notice my presence and moved out of the way, giving me a clear path to Dresden and Kai. Unfortunately, that also drew Timmon's attention, and he rallied his cult members, pointing out my location and sending them after me.

I sprinted to my men and dropped to the ground at Dresden's feet, skidding towards Kai, my knees raking over the dirt. For the first time, I hadn't actually been given a dress or changed outfits when I got my baby dragon. I was in the same leggings and tunic I wore when I came down to this part of the forest this morning, which I was grateful for. The last thing I wanted to do was be hindered by excessive material.

The wound in Kai's stomach was still bleeding steadily even though somebody, I assume Dresden or Niall, had tried to pack the wound to staunch it.

"Kai, can you hear me?" I asked as I went to try and repack the wound.

"Tessa, go and get the stone," he wheezed.

"I have it. I just need you to be okay."

There was a very long pregnant pause where the only thing making any sound was the weapons clashing against one another behind me. Finally, Kai said, "I can't promise that, princess."

"I need you to fight like hell for me, like I've fought every single time to get back to you. We just got over whatever bullshit was stopping us. I don't want to lose you now. You’re mine, Kai? Do you hear me? If you die, I will hunt you down in the afterlife and bring you back. And then I might kill you again because I'll be so pissed off."

His lips twitched with what I thought would be a smile on any other occasion, making my heart ache. A strange sensation went through me, one I had never felt before, like being hot, feverish, almost, and the urge to get naked was strong.

I needed something to bind Chi's wound anyway, so I followed my instincts and pulled my leggings off, along with my tunic, making it into a bandage and using the leggings to tie it around his waist. It wasn't perfect by any means, but I didn't know which plants were poisonous, so it was my only option.

Standing there in my bra and panties, my skin became itchy, as though I'd been out in the sun for too long and had sunburn peeling or a healing scab. I glanced down at Kai. He hadn't even managed to open his eyes when we had talked, and his skin was looking greyer with every passing second.

It ignited a rage within me unlike any I had ever felt before. This wasn't acceptable.

I wouldn't lose him.

Not now.

Not after everything we've been through together.

Without my asking them or removing the bands, my baby dragons flew forth from my skin.

"Don't," I called quietly.

They swooped and looked at me, each hovering before me as they seemed to grow in front of my very eyes. They weren't babies anymore; they were more like teenagers. Their limbs became a little gangly and their bodies a little too skinny, but I could see what they were becoming, and it was awe-inspiring.

"Come back, please. You'll get hurt!" Panic splashed onto the rage within me, like adding fuel to a fire.

They didn't stop, and they definitely didn't come back. Instead, they flew high into the canopy of the trees before swooping toward the ground like bomber planes and raining magic fire down on our enemies.

Pain rippled through me a second later, along with the strange sensation of expansion, like somebody was blowing me up. I glanced around, wondering if anybody was noticing, and I saw Dresden watching me warily.Are you okay, ladybird?He asked mentally.

I tried to say I was fine, but my mouth wouldn't work.I don't know what's happening,I replied to him telepathically.

I think you might be shifting. Dresden frowned. I guess it made sense. The Atlantean dragon let me breathe underwater, the Hyperborean dragon gave me wings, and the El Doradian dragon let me control fire to an extent. With Agartha, I was either going to be able to control the earth itself or plants, or I was going to be able to shift. I just usually experienced some of it before I came back to reality.

Niall had stepped in front of Dres and was shielding him from any blows heading his way as he spoke to me.I think you need to go with it. Trust your body and what it's doing. If you fight it, it will take longer, and you'll be in danger. And I need you to not be in danger.

I nodded. My head felt heavier than I expected, but I couldn't worry about that now. I took a deep breath and did as he asked, giving in to whatever sensations were rolling through me and trying to call them forward to hurry it up.

The next thing I knew, I was falling forward, but the limbs that reached out to touch the ground and brace for impact weren't human arms. The scales rippled down my skin, and claws sprouted from my fingers. I shook myself and felt the heavy sensation of wings on my back.

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