Page 30 of Elemental Evolved

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If you wish to find the egg you seek, then step forward.

Without any other options, I did as the dragon recommended and watched as the wall of flowers morphed into an open jaw, waiting for me. The egg sat on the dragon’s tongue.

It was bright green, which wasn’t a surprise, but the flowers that seemed to be coming out from between the scales were. A tiny, miniature daisy was definitely one of them, and a small rose was another, but I couldn’t name the others. Around the base was a thick, gnarled brown root that I hoped wasn’t attached to the elder dragon.

It was right there. All I had to do was step into its waiting jaws, only that seemed like the dumbest thing I could possibly do.

“Are you going to eat me?” I asked, not wanting to waste time when Kai was suffering.

Maybe. It depends on how you taste.The yellow eyes blinked at me once more.

It wouldn’t be the craziest or most dangerous thing I’d done in search of the stones, so why not? Besides, none of the other dragons seemed to have meant me harm, so maybe this dragon was just bad at making jokes?

“Sorry if this is uncomfortable,” I mumbled as I stepped over the front row of teeth and onto its tongue. I moved along as quickly as possible since I wasn’t exactly walking on a stable surface and my feet sank in every time I set them down.

You feel like little more than a crumb. Do not apologize.

As soon as I could, I grabbed the egg, lifting it and holding it to my chest as I made my way back out of the dragon’s mouth, pleasantly surprised that I hadn’t been eaten. That being said, I still felt better once I was out of its jaws and on solid ground again.

“What do I do now?” I asked as I looked at the egg. Usually, they just hatched right in front of me or as soon as I touched them, but this one wasn’t even twitching.

The dragon remained stubbornly silent, and I was left with nothing to go off but what I’d seen on nature documentaries. Not exactly helpful when it comes to dealing with mythical, magical beings.

I sat down on the leaf-covered ground and hugged the egg to me. “I need you to hatch, little one. Someone very important is hurt, and I need to get back to him.”

Nothing happened.

Instead of pleading with a dragon that might not even be able to hear me, I called to the dragons that lived within my skin.Do you want to come out and play?

The three of them burst forth and began swooping around the room as small trills escaped them. When they noticed the egg sitting in my lap, they came down from where they’d been flying to inspect it while the elder dragon simply observed the whole thing, its yellow eyes blinking occasionally.

All three huddled around the egg, almost crowding me out, as they called to the dragon within. I wasn’t sure how long it went on, minutes, maybe? Eventually, the egg stirred and jiggled in my lap.

Without any other warning, the thing burst apart and a baby dragon launched into the air, welcomed by the three other young dragons as they swirled around it, and the four of them began to play with each other. For a moment, I was just mesmerized by them; the way each of them was so different and yet accepted completely by the others. It was beautiful.

I looked down at the stone in my hand and watched as it seemed to vanish, and the band on my leg appeared. "I have all four stones." I didn't realize I'd spoken aloud until the baby dragons descended on me and looked up at me expectantly.

"What do I do now? Are the realms safe?" I asked, looking first at them and then at the large yellow eyes of the elder dragon.

You must go back to where it all began.

"In my realm or in Atlantis?" The baby dragon from Atlantis chirped, and a tendril of smoke left one of its nostrils.

When I looked up, waiting for the elder dragon to answer, I realized it was gone. The entire wall of flowers was gone, and in its place was a portal, like the ones I'd used to get between realms, only instead of it being a blurry image of the other side, this one was crystal clear.

"Time to go," I said to my dragons as each of them flew into me. The baby dragon from Agartha hesitated for a moment, seeming unsure now that the elder dragon had left, but with a chirp of encouragement from one of the others, he joined them as well, and I marveled at the new marking on my skin.

I ran toward the portal, which clearly showed Kai on the ground and Timmon attacking Dres and Niall, who had tried to come to Kai's aid. It looked like only seconds had passed from when I first grabbed the stone, but that couldn't be right. I'd sat with the egg for a while, never mind everything else.

Still, now wasn't the time to question. Now was the time to fight, to put Timmon and the One Realm cult down.



My first thought as I emerged out of the portal was Kai and getting to him. My second thought was that it looked like I had stumbled into some kind of alien war movie.

There was magic flying everywhere. Earth moving, water flowing, fire raging...Apparently, my guys had given up on only using magic in their own realms, which made sense. I mean, we were under a full-scale attack.

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