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Then it stalls.

We come to a sudden stop. I look down at the gauges. We’re between two islands and completely hidden to the yacht, my cock is as hard as an anchor rope, and we’re out of gas.

Chapter 7


“Whatthefuck?”Lucasuddenly says. The engine has faltered and stalled.

“Is everything alright?” I ask.

His body tenses, the blood drains from his erect penis and I slide my hands from his shorts. He turns slightly. “We’re out of gas. Someone forgot to fill the tanks on these. Even though they knew we’d be onboard.” His body tenses again and I can hear the anger growing in his voice. Suddenly being alone with him in the middle of nowhere begins to seem dangerous.

He growls and tries starting the engine again. It doesn’t turn over. He swears again and punches open a glovebox. Inside is a radio. He turns it on and switches through the static and channels. I can hear him breathing like a wounded beast.

“It’s alright Luca,” I say. “It’s just gas. Someone would’ve made an honest—”

“It’s not the gas,” he quips. “It’s the principle. Therespect.Someone didn’t do their job.”

I hear the edge in his voice. It’s the edge of men I’ve lived around all my life. Men with short fuses and even shorter levels of sympathy. I take my hands off his waist.

“There’s no one on the radio,” he snaps. He swears louder then. He tries a different channel. “Fuck!” he screams. “There’s no one on the fucking radio. There’s no signal from the yacht. It’s not even on! Someone is being lazy.”

My hair stands on end and I suddenly feel that being with him in the middle of nowhere was a very bad idea. “Maybe not lazy,” I offer. “Maybe just an accident? Maybe someone is resetting the console and—”

“Resetting the console?” he says looking over his shoulder. “I have known plenty of lazy people that do things like this. This is what we do not tolerate at Piovere. Or in the Colombinos.”

But the truth doesn’t hit me straight away.

“We only get the best,” he goes on. “Plenty of people will lose more than their jobs for this.”

I’m shaking.

“No one does this to me,” he says.

“It’s not you,” I say, feeling like I need to try and calm him. But more for my own safety. “It’s probably not to you personally—”

He looks again at me over his shoulder. “I am Luca Colombino. My father is Michael Colombino. Anything that happens to us isourproblem.”

My skin turns to ice then and I go cold. I grip the jetski involuntarily, thankful a small wave has just nudged us. I need something to keep me steady so that Luca won’t see me shake.

He’s Luca Colombino.Not just any old Colombino running Piovere. ButtheColombino. He’s next in line. He’s more powerful than anyone I know. He’s also got some pretty serious stories surrounding him. People that have disappeared or changed their minds during important court cases. Men that went to prison and never came out. Hell, men that went into the movies and didn’t live to see the ending …

I gulp, and Luca rolls his shoulders. He growls at the same time. Suddenly the tattoo on the back of his shoulders seems different than when I first read it.Live without forgiveness.

I shudder. The very idea of being with a Piovere playboy sounded exciting and hot all this time, but now it seemsdangerous. I knew they were a cover for the Colombino family, but I didn’t understand how close the two really were …

Luca snarls, he stands on the jet ski and winds up to throw the radio away. Then stops. “Ahh, we’ll need it.” He sits down and digs around in the glovebox, pulling out a waterproof bag that he places the radio in and another small reader chip. A GPS. “We’ll need this. It’s how they’ll find us.” He loosens the strap on the bag and swings it over his head and loops an arm through. “We need to swim to the island.”

“What?” I say, the very idea of swimming with him to a deserted island and spending any time with him feels like the last thing I should do.

“You coming?” he says.

He doesn’t wait for me to answer. He jumps from the jet ski and begins swimming to the island. The waves from our jet ski have now calmed to a steady lap. The tide is lazy and the island is only a fifty yard stretch away. I sigh a shaky breath and descend into the warm water. I follow him slowly, making my way with a dog paddle. My heart is burning and my legs seem to get heavier with each kick.

I can hear my father’s voice from over the years in my head as I swim.I told you honey, dreaming gets you in trouble.I should have listened to him. I shouldn’t have listened to Mimi. I shouldn’t have lied about going out to get a quick fruit juice before sneaking away from the house. How had I been able to leave so easily after disappearing for a night out? I can only think that my father wanted to keep trusting me, yet I broke it again. I broke it to go partying with a Colombino no less.

Not that I knew he was a Colombino …
