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“But you think he’d always wanted revenge? Even then, why would the Manettis allow him back into the fold? It makes no sense.”

“Of course it makes no sense, if you assume that any of the Manettis are still involved. Remember how we mentioned the cartels?”

A holiday of Marco’s years ago comes to mind immediately. “He used to go to Cancun all the time during spring break when he was younger. Then he stopped going for a while. He eventually went a few years later though, but at another time. He—” It finally clicks. “The matches!” I say.

Tommy’s eyes widen. “What matches?”

“The matches we found on the killers! That’s where I’d seen them before. Marco took a vacation, which must’ve been five years ago, to Mexico. He was gone for at least a month. Said he had the greatest time of his life or something. But when he got back he had this box of cigars, and he always lit them with a black box of matches. Just like—”

Tommy signals for one of his men to get some documents, he gives him the folder and he immediately begins scanning a list I can't see. “There’s a match factory up in the industrial area of Fort Lauderdale,” he says.

“That’s gotta be it,” I say. “Surely that’s where he’s been operating. He always spoke of Fort Lauderdale like it was a hole. He hated it. He refused to go there if we had work there.”

Tommy rubbed his cheek. He was mulling it all over. “How much would you bet on that being the spot?”

“If they make the same matches, then it’s our spot. Marco has refused going there since I've known him, especially over the last few years. Now I know why.”

Tommy nods. “It better be it, and my daughter better be there.” Everyone starts moving all at once. Calls are being made and it’s like war has been declared. “And if my Sophie ain’t there, you’ll be sorry I didn’t have Lenny here choke you to death.”

We arrive at the warehouse just after four in the morning. Teams of our men are assembled around us and we’ve just exited the four vans we arrived in. Everyone is in black and completely silent. It’s the Colombinos and Russos working together.

Tommy sent a few men up before us on bikes to scope the place out. They’d seen a lot of activity and then it went quiet. As if they were expecting us. There’s a few guards on patrol, but they’re mostly on entrances at the front and back of the building. We’re on the side, where an unmanned, but most importantly unlocked door is.

We gather at the fence line, a man is cutting an entrance for us with snips. We’re going to storm the palace and kill every person in sight.

My heart is racing and I double check the Glock 19 in my hand again. The body armor is snug over my shoulders, as the man continues snipping the fence. It sounds like some tiny crab is snipping its claws in the night.

Tommy is moving among his men and double checking everything. He stops at one of the men. “About time you upgraded from that potato shooter you used to carry, Sebastian,” he says. “That’ll blow some people away.” The guy grins and then slides the pump of his shotgun.

Our goal is a large shipping container inside. One of the men has seen Marco going to and from it, entering it and the light being turned on and off.

It’s assumed that Sophie is in there and not some of the drugs.

I hope to God that it’s Sophie in there.

We’re taking a huge chance. But that's all we have.

“Ready?” Tommy asks.

Before I can nod, a gunshot rings out into the night.

Followed by a scream.

Tommy and I go stark white, my heart lurches and I think the worst.

I don’t wait for anyone, pushing through the fence and heading for the open roller door. I forget the side door and head straight at the first guard I see. He’s surprised to see me coming out of the darkness. He’s surprised to see me drawing my knife before he can say anything. His face remains forever shocked in that surprised face as I plunge it into his neck.

Then, all hell breaks loose and I begin firing at anything that moves.

Chapter 27


Mymindraceswithpossibilities and as I reach for my other hand I can’t believe my luck.

Then the door comes back open.

“But you know, it’s rude to leave guests alone when entertaining,” Marco says, coming back in. The light is switched back on but he’s not alone. There's a large man with him. He’s smirking and staring at me with eyes that make me feel uncomfortable. It sickens me and all I want to do is boot him in the face.
