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I crush my hand back against my back and pretend it’s still tied there.

Marco rights me and sits me down. He nods and smiles between me and the guard. “You know, Miguel here said he liked you before. Said he had a little crush on you. I told him you were engaged to a lovely man but … Well, I’m feeling generous. So I might let him hang around you for a bit.” He’s smiling as he says this, like it’s funny. Like I should be making pretty eyes at Miguel.

Except all I do is glare at him. He’s sweating and his shirt looks a size too small for the belly he’s got. But then I notice the arms on him. Enormous things that are the size ofme. I picture steroids running through his veins and not blood. A gun is holstered at his hip and it looks like a toy.

“Either way, I figured I’d let you have some company in here. It can be a little lonesome in these metal containers,” Marco says.

I glare at him now, wishing the gag wasn't in my mouth so I could tell him what I really felt. “Mmrmr Frggrgr!” I say.

Marco chuckles. “A naughty mouth too. Now I see why Luca liked you,” he giggles. He still reeks of rum, even more so now. He cups my cheek with his hand and I turn away. He laughs again. “Oh this is going to be so much fun. And to think I considered killing you? You’repregnant. Even better. I can raise Luca’s boy as my own. I’m sure that would drive him even more crazy.” He laughs and turns to the guard. Miguel laughs too.

I stare at both of them, then an idea comes to mind. I look at Marco, then at his crotch, and snort a laugh.

He stops immediately. “Got something to say?”

I look away, then look back and snort again. His face darkens. “You think I couldn’t have my own boy?” He advances quickly. “I could show you what kind of man I am? I could have a child.”

I bat my eyelids at him, regretting immediately what will happen. That I’ll most likely get slapped or hit, or worse, but it’s the only thing I can do to get in his head. He comes right up to me, about to say something. I can see the hiss on his tongue and the words he wants to spit.

Then he stops. He smiles. “Good,” he says, wagging a finger. “Very good. At least you’ve got some brains then. I like a challenge.”

I snort again and try to make him feel worse, but he doesn’t take the bait.

“No, no, that was good. Once was enough. Almost had me,” he says. “Well done.”

I bounce now, trying to enrage him but I’ve lost it. He keeps smiling and backing away. I feel the frustration boiling through me, and I bounce on the chair again. I yell and he only laughs. Then Miguel laughs because Marco is laughing. I yell and they both laugh louder. It echoes around the container and I rock to try and escape it.

I scream as I fall back, pinning my free arm. The only chance I’ve had of escape is now trapped underme. My numb arm turns painful and I can feel the rope cutting into my shoulder further up. Blood immediately stops to flow as freely as it should and I feel it turning pins and needles all up and down the limb.

“Have fun,” he says, winking at Miguel.

The two laugh and then Marco leaves, the guard is left alone with me. He soon quiets down and watches me openly. I lie on the ground staring at him. He’s unsure what to do, whether to come over or not? He just keeps staring at me. I see him tracing my body and I feel disgusted. I have a stupid thought, that my body is only for Luca. A stupid thought thatI don’t regret.

Then he takes a tentative step towards me. He looks back at the door for Marco, as if he is a child about to do something he shouldn't. He comes closer towards me and dread begins to fill me. Dread of the fact that this man is double my weight, a head taller and could probably lift me with ease.

My skin is crawling being at the mercy of this pig. What am I going to do? My heart is racing and panic sets in. I’d been stalling before, trying to drive Marco crazy. But I couldn’t have done anything, really. I was being silly. Stupid. I was—

Stop!Focus, now.Focus. There’s a big pig of a man coming toward you!

He takes another peak at the door and then finally commits, he goes to it quickly and shuts it quietly, but doesn’t close it.

Then with eyes full of glee he turns and comes towards me. His big frame lumbers along and his enormous arms are only more enormous the closer he comes. I look again at the handgun holstered on his hip. The toy that definitely isn’t a toy. If he’s anything like the bodyguards my father uses, it’ll be loaded and live. But there’s only one way to find out. An idea comes to mind. The only idea I’ve got.

I begin wiggling the fingers of my free hand like crazy, trying to get blood back in the hand. I move around on the floor to try and get my weight off my arm. He begins to giggle like he’s got a trapped bug that he means to peel the wings off. I stare up at him, fearful and yet driven to at least try my one and only plan.

He grins wide now.

He reaches down with one hand and picks me up effortlessly in the chair. He holds me out in the air at his eye level. His eyes are full of want and lust and I feel sick. Men like this sicken me. He drops me with a loud clatter back onto the floor. The chair wobbles and he holds me still. He chuckles.

But I don’t give him any time to enjoy it, because my arm is now free. Blood flows down into my hand and it regains some strength.

He leans towards me, bringing his hip within reach.

I snatch his handgun from his holster. His eyes bulge with fright and I point the thing towards his body and pull the trigger.

The blast of the gun erupts in the room and my eyes reflexively snap shut. The flash blinds me and I tear the gun away from him as he falls back screaming in pain. I put the gun in my lap and start unraveling the other hand tied behind my back.

I hear some noises outside the container and stop, aiming it at the door. After a few beats, when no one has come, I put it back down and continue untying my hand. Once both are free, I pick the gun back up and point it at the door. I’m shaking, freaking out being so close to escape. I push the feelings of joy aside and continue untying my feet and legs. In what feels like an eternity and every chance for me to have been killed, I’m suddenly free. The rope lies at my feet.
