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The big man is still rolling around on the floor, screaming, and holding his leg and foot where the bullet traveled through him.

By this point though I realize I’m not the only one firing a gun. I can hear a miniaturewaroutside the door.

I open the heavy door and peek out. People are running around like crazy. Gunfire is everywhere and people are screaming in every direction. Lights flash constantly and people call out non stop. Marco, however, is barricaded behind a steel drum and has a semi-automatic rifle.

It’s my only chance and I point the gun and squeeze the trigger.

But it just clicks. Nothing happens.

Why the hell isn’t the thing firing?

A man grabs the gun in my hand and then elbows me in the stomach. It knocks the air out of me, but as I fall to my knees, I elbow him in the crotch hard. He groans and falls, grasping himself. I fumble his gun into my hands from the floor and aim again at Marco.

But he’s gone.

Chapter 28


I’dfiredgunsbefore,and I’d been fired at, but the thing that surprised me the most about the gunfight with Marco’s men was thesound. The sheer noise of it all was fucking loud.

I’m reloading my handgun again as I realize my ears are ringing like crazy. I can’t hear what the guy next to me is saying, but then I don’t really need to, we’ve been pinned back outside. They expected us, is all I can think.

Maybe it’s what Marco wanted.

I slam the magazine home and duck out, taking aim at a man by the shipping container. Once he’s dealt with I take aim at another behind shipping pallets. A few of Tommy’s men come to back me up, giving me cover fire to move the little bit closer towards the container. I hope Sophie’s in there and okay.

I slide to a stop behind some barrels. I can hear Marco’s men yelling. Specifically, I can hearhimyelling too. It enrages me. I jump up despite the firing and unload a whole mag on the men, but I don’t see Marco.

I vault the barrels and head for the shipping container. Just as I get there a giant of a man stumbles out, he’s fucking massive and his leg and foot are bleeding. He growls at me and swipes with clumsy hands. I dodge and punch him in the gut. He doesn’t even flinch and simply punches me in the chest.

It shocks me and I stumble back. I run and jump at him again, punching as hard as I can into his big, solid head. The punch nearly breaks my fist, but still he doesn’t move either.

He just grins and punches me in the gut and I fall to my knees winded. He brings his arms up to clobber me with both his fists.

That’s when I jam my finger in his bullet wound.

He screams and falls down, grabbing the wound as I wrench open the shipping container.

“Sophie?” I call. I peer into the darkness but can’t see anything. I look for the switch beside the door and find it. The room becomes blinding once the lights are on, but there’s no sign of Sophie. Only the ropes that held her.

She either escaped or got moved.

I turn out of the empty container and look back at the warehouse. Tommy’s men have advanced inside along with mine. But I’m searching everywhere else. I need to find Sophie. I don’t need to find Marco.

But it’s Marco I see scurrying away. He’s fleeing off behind some machinery towards a ladder. He’s carrying a machine gun and when he gets to the ladder, he looks around and then slings it over his back. I could shoot him now.

But I don’t, because I want to look him in the eyes when heloses.

I chase after him, dodging between the enormous machines and pallets. My pallets of drugs and goods, to be precise. A loud engine starts up beside me and I slide to a stop, a gunshot rings out and I jump back. A few more blasts and the cement floor I’d just been standing on chips up and breaks. I peek out and see Marco giggling away.

I aim and fire at him, but he’s already gone.

I sprint for the ladder and don’t bother to look to see if he’s watching me. I know he wants me to follow him. I climb to the top and get onto the platform. We’re on a hanging track that crosses the whole warehouse. Marco is sprinting for the other side and a control deck. The deck hangs over a machine and mountain of lumber which is slowly being fed into it. It’s being cut down to the perfect size for match sticks. I follow at a run.

The gunfight below rages on. I fire a few shots off at Marco’s men and they suddenly don’t know where to look, it serves as enough confusion to draw them away from Tommy’s men. They open fire and I take a moment to search for Sophie too. There’s been no sign of her. I hope that she’s alright, wherever she is.

I catch up to the deck I’d seen Marco turn onto and take the corner at speed. As I come around he rises from behind the control deck and the butt of his gun smashes into my face.
