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I’m kind of glad her guts weren’t left on the floor, though. I’m kind of glad she made it out alive. But Madam Rosa wouldn’t be.

The old warehouse, I found, was once a newspaper warehouse. The boarded up windows were access points for people to sneak into after it shut down. The place used to house a circus of drug addicts and a lot of homeless. Of course Madam Rosa tore in and took over. She’s good at that sort of thing.

“You seriously saved her ass after you had another family we could have framed for her murder?!” The old petulant pain in the ass screeches.

“All part of the plan.”

It wasn’t.

I’m definitely lying there.

To be honest, I’m not sure what possessed me to go back in and save her.

It could have very well been curiosity mixed with a good insurance policy.

I could tell Madam Rosa was up to something. I’m just not quite sure what it is yet. And the timing of the attack seems odd to me. Like something she’s cooked up.

“Better be a good plan, Tony…” she growls, crossing her arms in front of her chest. “You had your chance to just … do nothing… and have zero risk to our family for retaliation and you pissed it away.”

I can’t help but be amused.

Normal Tony would have definitely taken advantage of the opportunity. But, there is something about this assignment that seems different from all the others I’ve been on.

Call it… a son’s intuition.

“You’re not above the rules, either, Tony…” she growls. “I don’t give a shit if I’m your mother or not.”

Chapter 3


“Iain’taMorino,”Little Frankie says smugly as he and Luigi sit at the card table. “I'm Lorenzo.”

I scowl.

I hate that mentality more than anything else.

We’re all one family now.

But there’s some old school gangsters that still feel the need to draw a line.

“It doesn’t matter,” Luigi groans. “We need to figure out how to do this so that no more of us get caught in the crossfire. We lost thirty-two men.”

It was a little difficult to make them understand that lines in the sand disappear after a while. When Edoardo died, that line was erased.

My father, Gabriele, died ten years ago. Really shook me up at the time; but I’ve found some peace in it since. At least the old man can rest easy knowing that I have it all under control. Well, I did, anyway, before the Colombos decided to stir up a shit storm.

The biggest struggle was that my husband Edoardo was gone, too.

It’s crazy to think about it. Two families that used to be sworn enemies. Now controlled by the same person. A woman, no less.

Me and Edoardo made it work, though. I was a Morino. He was Lorenzo. After we married, we sorted it out. Both families were united — finally — after years of bloodshed. And after the ceasefire, it was actually a mutual sort of relationship where both parties benefited.

Still, though, people like ol’ Frankie were still there. They remembered when times weren’t so Kumbaya. Some of them still had issues with joining forces, years later, and without a blood Lorenzo in the mix, it was a little harder for me.

One could even say if it wasn’t for the Colombos poking around a few years ago when they first got to Chicago, he and I might have made it to old age and parted on the terms we thought we would.

But they did come poking around, and one thing led to another…
