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“But how can you even ensure that these thugs would be on our side, Jackass?” Frankie snorts.

“Because you’re the Morino and Lorenzo families…” I trail. “You still have your reputation; and if they could have the hope to be part of that, I’m willing to bet they’d be interested.”

Aria folds her arms over her chest and looks at me for what feels like a century. She’s thinking. I can tell she’s thinking. Calculating.

“It’s a good idea…” she admits. “I’m going to need to think about it for a little bit, but stick around close…” she looks at me and there’s a faint smile tugging at her lips.

Madam Rosa would have never complimented me. Especially talking out of turn…

Maybe this Aria Morino-Lorenzo wasn’t so bad after all.

I’m walking down the street, softly humming a song. I’m not even sure where I heard the song before; where it came from. It was soft… melodious.

I was still a little excited if I was being honest. I’d never been praised like that before in my family. I was the esteemed enforcer and son to the Great Madam Rosa, but never had anyone muttered a “good idea” before.

I’m embarrassed to admit that I was giddy over it.

As my foot drops off the sidewalk to the crosswalk, a black van screeches to a dead halt next to the curb. “What the hell?!” I cry out and just then the side door opens and two men, dressed completely in black, storm out. They’re both big. Both broad. Broader than me. Freight train sized, in fact. Literally two of the biggest men I’ve ever seen.

They stomp toward me and I throw fists that land narrow as they both tactically take me down. One grabs my shoulder, the other swipes the back of my knees. I groan as my knees crash against the sidewalk, pain immediately radiating from them. What the hell is this?!

A passerby cries out and runs in the other direction as one of the men grabs me under his arm. I writhe and squirm and beat my fists in any direction they’ll go. I’ve never felt this powerless. I’ve never been this caught off guard.

The other man grabs my wrists and twists my arms behind my back before I’m thrown harshly into the back of the van. My back ignites in pain as it crashes against the metal floor.

“And we were told you'd be in some trouble,” one of them sneers before slamming the door.

I’m getting more and more pissed by the second.

There’s no windows and everything went pitch dark when that door closed.

I bolt up and immediately try to find the door, but I only feel the metal walls. I feel around with everything I have as the engine roars to life and they drive away.

Did anyone see them take me?

The engine revs and the van speeds up, flinging me onto my ass.

We were told you’d be in some trouble…

Who are they working for? Had to be someone.

I hastily pull myself up again to sit and take a deep breath. I need to be cool as a cucumber if I’m going to get out of this.

It’s not really likely that I get out of this moving shit box while it’s driving. It’s a somber thought, considering I don’t know where the hell we’re going. But…I know the only thing to do is to attack when we stop.

Every time we braked, I readied myself, and every time I was disappointed by another sputter of the engine. It seems like it’s been ages since we left the street corner outside of Aria’s club.

We brake again…

I prepared myself.

The engine cuts.

This is it.

I can’t believe the idiots didn’t restrain me.

I’m going to go for the eyes.
