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Chapter 16


"Whathappened?”Alessandroasks,as soon as I blast through the penthouse door. My face must have read that something had happened. He cranes his head to look past me. “Is she ok!?” His voice was hurried and panicked.

I want to grab ahold of him and shake him with everything I’m worth. Don’t show your emotions to anyone! I want to scream. He’s young. He’s hot-headed. He’s got the gumption — the gall — that’s for sure, but he doesn’t have everything yet.

He’s still emotional.

At least for her, he is.

But so am I? So what does that say?

I nod. “She’s fine.”

“What happened?” He reiterates.

It takes a few milliseconds longer than usual for me to respond. He doesn't notice, I don’t think. If he does, he doesn't mention it.

“I’m a piece of shit." I start. I have nothing else to finish with. I feel like that’s the end all be all.

I don’t know how else to explain it other than what it is. I — Tony Giordio — am a piece of flying shit.

“Do me a favor?” I ask, and he looks at me with a furrowed brow. “Don’t get lost in this world…”

He nods.. “I’ve been told that before…”

“Listen to it…”

“What happened?” He repeats.

I shake my head. “You’ll find out soon enough, and I’m not going to pussyfoot around.” I took a step closer to him. I’m not scared of anything, but for some reason, I’m nervous. “I was sent here to kill Aria…” and immediately I watch as his stance changes to a defensive one. He reaches behind his back, and I hold my hand up. “Calm down…” I soothe. “I’m not going to…”

He holds his gun behind his back, clearly not letting his guard down. I could commend him on that at least. “Why?” His eyes study me.

“Because…” I sigh. “I clearly feel something for her…”

“And this was just a job?” His jaw is clenched. “My mom is a job?”

I nod. “Started out that way.”

“And what is it now?” He questions, taking another step closer to me, his head craning, his eyes piercing. “What are you going to do…?”

“I’m going to leave you guys alone…”

“Hey, guys!” Mattias and Tomasso come around the corner. I don’t know which one of them yelled out. They were both grinning, although Mattias held his hand close to his body, blood all over his shirt. “I got a wicked cut…” he says, pulling his hand away from his chest.

“Dude, you need to get that stitched up…” Tomasso groans. His skin is pale. I can tell he’s the queasy type. He’s avoiding eye-contact with it.

“What the hell happened!?” Alessandro demands, pulling Mattia’s hand worriedly toward his face. It’s cut pretty deep.

“Got caught on a jagged gate latch…”

“It’s a clean cut…” I mumble. “But you may want to get stitches…”I don’t know if I believe for a second that a jagged gate latch did that. It looks more like a knife wound.

“Yeah, clean cut…” Mattias shrugs. He takes pain better than any kid I’ve seen. But I wonder if part of it is wanting to show off in front of me.

Regardless, though, his strength gives me reassurance.
