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“Don’t talk to my brother…” Alessandro snaps.

“What the hell, Al…” Tomasso snaps. “Stop being a dick…”

“You want to tell them?” Alessandro crosses his arms over his chest.

What an awkward nightmare.

I’m worried about them.

“Let me know if any of you ever need me…” I emphasize before shoving passed him. The three boys nod. Tomasso and Mattias, were confused, but I knew Alessandro would tell them as soon as I was gone. I can’t help but wonder where the girls are.

I feel a world of regret on my shoulders as soon as I reach the elevator. The ding of the bell radiates and bangs inside my skull. This is goodbye.

I’m such a fucking idiot.

My mind races; my thoughts jumble. Everything is completely out of sorts. And at this point, I have no plan. I should have done this all so differently.

I sigh and climb into the nearest cab, my eyes set on the hotel doors as the cabbie drives off. They stay there until they filter out of view and I lean back in the seat…

What a fucking shit show…

I’d moved in with Josh for a little while.

I thought it’d be good for me. A change of pace. He was sort of out of the game. Maybe I could be, too. Give me some space to figure out what I needed to do; and how I might keep Aria safe.

But when Josh says he’s out of the game, he doesn’t mean he’s clean-shooting.

He’s probably dirtier now than he ever was inside the Giordio family. He is now peddling drugs and stolen car parts. He doesn’t want the penthouse life. He doesn’t want fancy dinners. The big flat screens. He doesn’t even want a hot tub full of girls.

He wants cars. Cars. And more cars…

Cocaine smuggling must have been pretty lucrative based on the number of cars I’d seen over the last few days. I’m grateful for his help and his friendship, but it’s not a life for me.

Not anymore…

“Look at those…” he gasps pointing to a couple of girls out back. “Huge tits…”I roll my eyes. I enjoy a female body as much as the next guy. Their breasts; their ass…

Anything and everything on a woman.

But the way he said it was juvenile.

I felt like I was talking to one of Aria’s kids instead of my best friend.

Okay, maybe I was wrong about the hot tub full of girls thing…

Meeting Josh’s eyes, I shake my head, chuckling. “You’re an idiot…”

Taking another shot of vodka, he turns back to the game and leans over the pool table. He’s lining up his next shot.

I stand back. Josh is a champ. I’d hate to be hustled by him.

Frowning, the guy he was playing stands up and starts yelling. “You said you weren’t good at this!”

He throws the chalk piece at Josh, scowling.

We laugh in unison.

"Stop throwing shit." Josh says. “And stop believing everything you hear…”
