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“Fuck!” I heard them yell out in unison. Two of them move to the door, just like their fallen companion. But they don’t peak around the corner. They slide their backs against the wall, both of their guns drawn.

I shake my head. I can’t lose focus.

I move toward the gun I dropped while being choked, and the last asshole standing near me kicks it away just as my fingers graze the handle. It’s his gun. And he’s not going to fight me for it?

I sweep my leg towards his feet, but he catches it. I growl in frustration and anger.

Pop. Pop.

His attention is broken for a moment. I fly up to my feet and tackle him against the tank with a roaring fervor, not even bothering to look back at where the noises came from. If someone’s shooting them, they’re not on their side.

I swing and I crush his jaw with my fist. One punch. Two punch. And he’s out.

His back slides down the vat and his body lays limply at the base of it. I heave a heavy breath, exhausted and my head snaps back to the ground, searching for the gun.

“Here!” A voice sounds out from behind me. It’s familiar. And immediately I’m pissed.

Swinging my body around, my chest rising and falling with intensity, I scowl. “You’re supposed to be outside!” I hiss, my breath basically depleted.

He’s holding the gun Luigi gave me. “And you’re supposed to be finding my mom…” he smirks, cockily before tossing the Glock my way.

“We gotta get the hell out of here,” I say hurriedly, walking towards him. I pull out the clip and check it.


I only have a couple of bullets left. I have to keep moving.

Wehave to keep moving…

Together, we move in a unified motion toward the back corridor where I last saw Aria. The thick smoke was flooding the halls, making it even more difficult to see than before. Alessandro hacks, and holds his forearm over his nose and mouth, struggling to breathe.

“Get lower to the ground!” I instruct, crouching.

A chunk of something falls from the ceiling and smashes into my shoulder, pushing me to the ground. I scream. The flames are getting higher and debris is falling down on us.

We can’t waste anymore time.

I grunt and stand up, ignoring the burning pain in my side and chest. “Are you OK?!” He calls out to me. His eyes are red, irritated by the smoke. I nod, my lungs full and heavy.

A spray of shots blaze down the hall and we fall to the ground, hiding behind anything and everything that we can. They’re behind the drapes. Through the smoke and the plastic, I can’t see where they’re at, so I fire with all that I have, emptying my clip, just praying that I hit one of the bastards.

I thought these assholes would have left!

Madam Rosa was probably halfway to Detroit by now.

“They just keep coming!" Alessandro hollers between shots. Bullets were flying and ricocheting off the metal around us.

I nod in agreement. It’s reminiscent of a bunch of roaches. Scattered. And in droves.

I toss my gun to the side. “I’m out!” I yell, still crouching down, this time behind a large light fixture. He shoots three more times before the click of his magazine.

“Me too!”

“Damn it!”

The sound of steps rushing toward us is all that I hear over the roaring sound of fire crackling. I feel like the only reason we aren’t blown into smithereens by now is because the fire hasn’t spread as far as it could have had this been a building with drywall or carpet.

Mom isn’t stupid.
