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“I’ll come with you…” he says, ducking underneath the rubble, trying to maneuver to my side. “She’s my Boss; I have to.”

I shake my head. “Get out of here, and take him. Make sure everyone’s ok. If those assholes are outside, they’re going to still be swinging…”

He stares at me for a moment and nods.

“Get her and get out!” He demands, just before he turns to the other two men. They shove Alessandro roughly down the hall a few times, but eventually he relents, and disappears with them.

There’s still Madam Rosa’s men scattered about. I hear them screaming, frantically, trying to collect whatever the hell is behind some of those doors. As I cross a corridor down the way, I hear shouting. Moving closer to the noise, I crane my head around the corner into a doorway.

There’s a tank of something sitting there with boxes upon boxes behind it. They’re all on fire.

There’s a vat… but I don’t know what the hell’s in it. Whatever it is, though, is pretty damn important because even through the chaos, they’re trying to get it out.

But it’s not budging and there’s fire all around it.

“That’s our profit!” One of the men shrieks. Clearly they’re more preoccupied with that than me.

The tank rolls forward slightly, but only slightly, as they push and shove together. There’s four of them. All armed.

I hear a shot fire out up ahead, but instead of moving to the sound, or even drawing their guns, the men just continue to push and grunt tirelessly at something basically unmoving.

My legs buckle with another explosion.

Debris pours down on us and fire rages everywhere. I groan and sit up again. When I reach out and grab the doorway, the walls are hot to the touch, scolding even. Footsteps rush from all around and I feel my breath getting heavy. It’s hot… The air is getting thick.

“We gotta get out of here!” One of the assholes screams out. “This ether is going to blow the whole damn place!”


These fucking psychos are making freebase drugs…They’re cutting it with ether…

Mix that with all the gunfire, of course there’s fucking explosions!

If this vat is drugs or ether, then there’s no way this entire place won’t go up.

I have to get to Aria.


I toss the rubble to the side and pivot around. As soon as I stand, one of the men draws on me. It’s then that I realize I’ve dropped my gun from Luigi…


The white of the man’s eyes were visible as he straightened up, his gun aimed straight for me. Gunfire cracked in the air — but not from the man in front of me. From out in the hallway.

“Don’t shoot!” Another man screams. “You’ll blow us all up!”

“Give me that…” I demand, walking hurriedly over to them. In one quick motion, I snatch away the guy’s gun and punch him square in the face, knocking him back against the large tank. Roughly, another man yanks me back, his arm hooking around my neck, squeezing me into a chokehold. I drop the gun as soon as I pull at his arm, and immediately curse myself for losing control of the situation.

I struggle against him, my vision going blurry, as each man takes a turn pounding away at my gut and face. My ribs crack. Lip splits. Nose bleeds. I taste it. The taste of slick iron.

Another pop.

The men pull away, suddenly.

The window to escape the fire is closing.

A foot slams against the back of my knees, causing me to hit the ground again. “Who is still shooting!?” The man that had me in the chokehold wails. He runs toward the doorway. As soon as his head cocks around the corner and looks into the hallway, it snaps back, a bullet slamming through it, splattering his brains on the wall behind him.
