Page 40 of Burn Baby Burnt

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How long has he been gone?

“That’s pretty vague.”

He raises an eyebrow at me and it makes my stomach flutter with even more nerves. “I thought you didn’t want to know?”

“I don’t,” I huff unconvincingly.

“Right.” His reply is all sarcasm.

“Maybe I just wanted to talk to you Luca,” I retort with a forked tongue. My lashes bat at him without permission in a teasing sort of manner, punctuating my claim.

He eyes me cautiously, his lips curling into a smile. “Need a little banter to keep you on your toes, princess, is that it?”

“Maybe I’m trying to trip you up, jerk. Make you lose your focus and then use your inevitable mistake to blackmail you. It’s always good to be armed against unruly enemies.”

“We’re hardly enemies, and you could never trip me up princess. I know you,” he retorts with confidence. Cockiness is more like it. He bleeds it.

Luca stands up, striding around the counter, keeping his eyes on mine. He puts his plate in the sink with easy, delicate hands. I do too, holding his gaze, keeping my chin up. We’re close together now and it feels strange, breathing the same air. His eyes land on my stomach, seating themselves at the location. Once they’re set, they don’t move.

Chills run over me unexpectedly.

“What?” I look back down at it, thinking I may have split food on myself.

He flicks his finger against my bellybutton jewelry and it sways as he does. His skin only briefly hits mine, but I feel it deeper than I should. “Your dad know about that?”

“I’m twenty years old. I don’t need permission from my dad anymore Luca, for anything.” Hitting his hand away from my skin, I take a small step back. The audacity of him to treat me like a child is infuriating. “Lorenzo is covered in tattoos and does whatever he wants. I get a piercing and suddenly we’re a conservative family?”

“If you don’t need permission from dear old dad, then why are you here secretly?” Luca smirks like he’s beaten me with his cunning wit, but I’m not a loser. I will never be a loser. Vitales are winners. It’s my birthright, not his.

“You know why,” I sigh as my eyes roll smoothly. Now I feel exposed and defensive. “If I complain that I don’t want to be on campus because no one wants to be my friend, I’m not exactly going to get a sympathetic reaction from him. He doesn't do ‘running away’ from your problems.” I sound so stupid, but I don’t care. I don’t need Luca’s judgment.

“Poor princess Vitale,” he fake pouts, spouting my other famous nickname. “I’m sure it’s so hard being an heiress when no one is there to fall at your feet and praise you.”

“Exactly. Thanks for proving my point, asshole. You’re just like him,” I grumble, throwing my hands up like I’m exhausted. “Screw you Luca.” I genuinely hate confrontation and it’s making my stomach hurt. I could do without the utter lack of understanding that seems to encompass this house. “You have friends and people like you. No, scratch that, everyone loves you. My parents, my brother, Katherine, and every stranger you’ve ever met. People used to tolerate me, but no one talks to me anymore. The only time I hear my name is when people whisper aboutArianna Vitale,the rich girl to stay away from. I didn’t fucking do anything, but somehow I’m bad news to everyone on campus. I thought it was just because I was a freshman last year, but nothing has changed. Since I’ve enrolled, I’ve gone toonecollege party, because it was anopeninvitation.”

Luca’s face changes a little, a hint of sympathy flashes in his eyes.

“Boo hoo, you don’t need friends.”

Okay, maybe it’s not sympathy.

“You’re impossible.” I feel my eyes getting wet as I turn away from him. I start to leave the kitchen and yell back, “I hate you guys. At least Katherine was nice to me!” My voice cracks on the last note of my tantrum.

I rarely lash out. Vitales are level–headed, controlled under all circumstances. But I’m sick of no one understanding that pain doesn’t have to be physical in order to be real.

These tears are more embarrassing tears than sad ones, though I suppose I’ve always been sensitive. I’ve gotten significantly better at not crying, but this is a fresh wound. I immediately whip my tears away when they hit my skin. Rushing back up the stairs to Katherine’s room, I whip out my phone and dial Marco, slamming the door behind me as he picks up the phone.

“What’s up?” is all he greets me with.

“I want to go out.” My voice shakes slightly as I speak.


“Yeah tonight, it’s Friday, let’s go to Club Lucifer.”

“Why? Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. Bring friends, tabs on me.” I pause, collecting myself for a moment. “You'll have to sneak me out though.”

“Well, why didn’t you say so? You’re payingandyou’re sneaking out? Devious, I’m in. Figure out how to sneak out of fortress Vitale and I’ll get you at eleven.”

Relief shoots through me beautifully.

I need a night out with people who don’t retract away in my presence. “Thank you!”

I hang up and check the time on my phone. It’s almost 8pm, so I still have awhile before I need to get ready. I kind of want to go downstairs to watch TV, but I don’t want to see Luca or Gio, for that matter. I decide to work on my other assignments instead.
