Page 7 of Burn Baby Burnt

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“Hey! No more calling me kid. I’m a woman, that’s rude.”

“Is that so?” he teased, laced with his flirty tone. He only ever used it once and awhile and it never lasted long.

“Yup. Now get forks so we can eat this entire thing and cry at the sad movie.”

“Ay Ay, Captain,” he saluted, and ran off to the kitchen.

By the time the movie ended, my face was wet and the cake was half gone. While I looked like someone threw water at me, Jasper hadn’t shed a single tear. Sociopath.

I mean come on! She falls for him and he is going to die. On purpose!

“How are you not crying!? That was gut wrenching! And I’ve seen it before!” I demanded, laughing and wiping away my tears.

“He did the right thing. He’d never be himself again, he’d always be in pain and he’d hold her back,” he shrugged, setting his cake plate down.

“What!? He absolutely didnotdo the right thing! I would be furious! I would turn the tables on that man so fast. If he dies,we both die. Selfish bastard,” I mumble, shaking my head and taking the last bite of cake from my plate.

“You’d kill yourself?” he asked with a baffled expression.

“If the man I loved was going to do the same? Yes.”

He flinched. “Dixie, that’sdumb. You shouldn’t waste your life for someone else. What if he asked you to live for him?”

I huffed. “I’d tell him that’s hypocritical and cruel.”

“He couldn’t take you dancing or swimming or bungee jumping or travel without hassle. He’d never feel like a man, feeling disappointed every time you had sex. Not disappointed with you, but with himself. He couldn’t do anything he wanted to do to you, it’d be awful.”

“Love is supposed to supersede all of that stuff,” I countered, sitting up to face him. “Who cares about traveling or dancing or having great sex if you can’t see the person you love every day?”

“Have you had great sex before?Do you even understand what giving that up would mean?”

Shit, he got me there.

“I’ve had plenty of sex,” I lied, really badly too.

He crossed his arms over his chest as if he were interrogating me. “No you haven’t, you're not good at lying, Dix. I’ve known you for almost a year and you’veneverbeen good at lying.”

“I’ve totally had great sex, I’m not lying, I swear,” I lied again, even worse this time.

“You’ve never had sex at all, have you?” His eyes widened as he put the pieces together. “Shit, we shouldn’t be talking about this stuff.”

Before he could get up, I swung my legs around his lap and threw my mouth against his. It was rushed and messy and wrong, but sue me, I’d never done it before.

His abs hardened against my body and I pulled his face closer to mine by the back of his neck. He didn’t resist at first, his lips met mine, kissing me back with a mixture of shock and anger. When my mouth parted, his tongue slipped inside, coaxing mine to play with his. I moaned and rolled my hips, unable to help it.

That’s when he pulled his face away, pushing me off of him. “What the hell, Dixie?”

“Show me,” I begged, trying to get closer to him again. “Show me why it’s impossible to give up. Blow my mind for my birthday, Jasper.” I jumped back into his lap and sunk lower, letting my pussy settle against his growing erection. “You want to, I can feel it.Please, I want you so badly. No guy excites me like you do,” I admitted, moving my lips to his neck.

I knew very few other guys. But I still wasn’t lying. Not a single man had ever made me want to do the things I wanted to do with Jasper.

“Fuck,” he hissed, tipping his head back. “Dixie, I can’t cheat on your mom with you, it’swrong.”

“Oh please,” I giggled, grinding a bit on his cock through our pants, seeking friction. “We both know you guys are hardly exclusive. You’re telling me neither of you fuck other people while she’s away? I’m not stupid.”

“Christ, Dix. You shouldn’t know these things and you definitely shouldn’t be grinding on my fucking cock right now,” he groaned without pushing me away.

My lips continued to plant kisses up and down his throat. “I’ve never even fingered myself, you know? I’ve only ever come rubbing circles around my clit. I bet I’ll be so tight for you,” I taunted, licking up his neck slowly. “I’ll scream for you too, I’ll do whatever you want.”
