Page 45 of Deny Thy Name

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Edward came over to me, his face grim.

“We have to go,” he said. “Leave Rose, she’s having fun.”

I put my glass down on the piano and followed him out the door. Once we were in the elevator, I dared to ask.

“What’s happened?”

“Your goddamn cousin that’s what,” he said in anger. “He’s gone and killed someone on the beach.”

My heart plummeted, the champagne I’d been sipping causing an acidic reaction in my stomach. “Who?”

“The sheriff’s son,” he said angrily. “I don’t know what goes on in that damn boy’s mind sometimes. Come with me, he seems to listen to you. I need you to get him to turn himself in so this whole thing blows over before we get cast out and Marshall gets everything.”

“Gunnar was Amir’s son, there’s no way he gets away with a simple arrest. This isn’t going to blow over. He needs to run.”

Edward sighed. “I suppose you are right. He needs to be disowned by us. I’ll have the paperwork done up and a public statement issued. I need you to get him to go quickly.”

I nodded.

My heart bled for Roman. Gunnar had been his best friend. He was going to be furious.

And so was I.


The entire house was cast in candlelight to show our respect to Amir for losing his son. My father had been talking to his men and asked them to keep an eye on any announcement from him. We expected Tyler would be banished or a warrant issued for his arrest but nothing had come.

Tyler hadn’t returned home either.

I’d texted Roman and he had told me he needed me but he understood how important it was for me to be on this side for now. He told me flat out that Tyler was going to die.

I knew he would too. Roman and Gunnar had been on the outs, but that had been because of me. I felt so damn guilty about all of this. My heart was bleeding for Roman. He was going through this without me.

All because of Edward.

I fucking hated him.

I couldn’t wait for him to find out just how angry his daughter was. I couldn’t wait for him to beg me to stop, to let him have his wealth, his life.

But he’d asked for this.

I didn’t blame Roman and if I could stop Tyler from fleeing so Roman could do that, I would. No matter Tyler had been the only cousin who had shown me love all these years.

My allegiance was to Roman now.

Funny how a few weeks being in love with someone could completely change your outlook. I’d come back here fully intent on destroying my family’s legacy, destroying my father, and now I would do anything for Roman which included being thrown back into my father’s arms.

“Jolie,” I heard Natasha say as she walked into my room. “Would you like to come down for dinner?”

“No, I think I’ll stay up here.”

“I’ll bring you something to eat.”

“Just a drink, please.”

She hesitated but she didn’t fight it and she left me alone once again. I turned back to the window and looked out at the gardens, a cloud hovering over once again.

We’d had beautiful weather for the last few weeks, these pestering storms were making me uneasy. I’d never been a big believer in fate and the universe but I knew it had a big thing to do with me meeting Roman and falling for him. He saved me from Paul, from a marriage where I knew I’d be brutalized just as my mother was by my father. He saved me in a way I never knew I needed.

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