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“Mm… good to see you, too, Mum.” I smirked. “Don’t get your knickers in a knot. I’m not staying. I’ve just come to get my gear, then I’m moving into my new apartment.”

She went to the decanter and poured herself a drink.

“So, where’s Georgie Porgie?”

“George is away on business.”

Her biting tone wasn’t lost on me. I knew my mother well. Unfortunately. Maybe if I hadn’t, I might have thought better of humans. I believed Cary called it “misanthrope.”

When he’d described that word’s meaning, I’d put my hand up. “Guilty.”

He’d smiled at me as though it was cool to admit to hating humans.

“Why do I get the feeling things are not going well?” I asked.

She gulped back her liquor. “He’s left me.”

“So, will you lose this house?”

She shook her head. “No. I’ve got him over a barrel.”

“Oh, good.”

My sarcasm had her heavily Botoxed face straining a frown.

“What’s he done?” I asked.

She opened the drawer of an antique sideboard, brought out a pack of cigarettes, and lit one. I gestured, and she tossed the pack to me, then the lighter.

My mother had never cared if I smoked. I guessed that was one small blessing. I hated being preached to, even when it was meant for my own good.

“He’s got a wife that he refuses to leave.”

I lit my cigarette. “But I thought you were married.”

She shrugged. “It kept Will off my back. He still wants to marry me. Imagine that?”

“Yes, imagine that? He went to jail for you. Mm… strange.”

“Hey, cut the fucking sarcasm.” She puffed out smoke and downed a shot.

“So, Georgie Porgie’s married. What have you got on him?”

“I’ve got him visiting prostitutes.”

“Really? Even while you were his… what’s the name again?” I thought about the books I’d read with those nice chunky words. “Ah… concubine.”

“He likes variety.”

I shrugged, wondering if all men did. Would Drake have fucked other women had we done the mileage as a couple? The thought of that made my blood boil, despite the pointlessness of that hypothetical since he’d dumped me.

“Let me guess. You had him followed and photographed, and you’ve kept that as your insurance.”

She nodded with the makings of a crooked but proud smile.

“Then him being married shouldn’t bother you, should it?”

“It bothers his wife. She found out and threatened to march. He stands to lose too much, so he left me. He even asked me to move, but then I threatened him.”
