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“Well, I’m working at Reboot as a trainer, and I have an interview in the morning…”

“Name your price.”

I thought of that apartment for my mother and how I could pay mine off sooner.

What was my price? And would I still be alive to enjoy a debt-free future?

“Apart from working here, I have an estate not too far from Merivale. I’ll need you there some nights. You’ll be well paid.”

He scribbled something on a piece of paper and passed it to me. I read five thousand pounds. I wondered what that meant.

He read my mind and said, “That’s a week. For a twenty-two-year-old, that’s not a bad sum.”

“It’s not.” I took a deep breath. “What exactly would you expect?”

“You’d sign a privacy agreement. No talking to anyone about what you see or hear.” His raised eyebrow had me thinking I was about to do a deal with a devil.

“Look, I don’t know if I can turn a blind eye to girls being—”

“Nothing like that. Don’t worry. Contrary to rumours, the club only deals with consenting, legal-aged girls.”

I nodded tentatively. “Can I think about it?”

He leaned forward. “Not a word about what happened tonight to Caroline Lovechilde. Especially Manon.” He rose and stretched his arms. “You’ll have to stop seeing her. That’s the only stipulation.”

My back went rigid. I dropped the cheque on the desk and rose. “Then, forget it.”

I went to walk off.

“You really would sacrifice all that money for someone like her?”

I turned to look at him and was about to speak when a knock came at the door, and a couple of bald, heavily tattooed men rocked in.

“It’s here,” one of them said.

Crisp looked at me and fluttered his hand. “We’ll talk later. Think about it.”

The fifty-thousand-pound cheque sat on his desk. He picked it up. “Here, you forgot this.”

“But I’m not sure—”

“You earned it. Take it. For your silence.”

His eyes crept over to the dark, heavy guys, which I read as a threat. Or it might have been sudden jitters because there was something seriously slippery going on in there, and I wanted to be alive to see my thirtieth birthday.

Seriously shaken, I grabbed my stuff and went out the back way into the dark night. I looked around me, but it was quiet. My phone beeped, and I read a message from Manon. “Are we still meeting at two?”

After what had been a harrowing experiencing, a sexy distraction was just what I needed. Even if I couldn’t stop thinking about that troubling expression in Crisp’s eyes when he told me to stay away from her.

“Can’t wait. What colour are your knickers?”

“I’m not wearing any.”

That made my cock thicken and my heart race in a nice way. Manon had unknowingly saved me from working for an evil man because, for a minute there, that five thousand pounds a week had looked tempting.

What really bugged me, though, was why Manon continued to associate with him.

Chapter 9
