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That was two years ago, and I’d found well-paid work, was paying off my own apartment, living by the sea, and dating one of the most beautiful girls I’d ever laid eyes on. She just needed to reserve her inner wild child for the bedroom and not the public. I loved her wild and untamed, but only when alone with me.

She shoplifted, too, I’d only just discovered, having spotted her slip something into her bag at the supermarket.

“What?” she’d responded as though it were no big deal. Like she’d only taken a flower from someone’s garden.

“I could have paid for that. Why didn’t you ask?”

“Where’s the fun in that?”

She’d shrugged, shoving the chocolate bar in her mouth like it was a cock, and I’d flipped from being shocked to horny.

As we stepped into Declan’s office, he asked, “Can you start next week? Murray, who’s a whizz-kid with IT, will show you the ins and outs. I can pay you what you’re getting at Reboot.”

“That sounds good to me. I’ll also do some night shifts for Carson’s agency. I hope that’s okay.”

“That won’t clash. There’ll be no need to work late.”

“I want to buy my mother a studio apartment around here.”

“My mother’s hiring kitchen staff, which comes with a residency at Merivale.”

“In normal circumstances, I’m sure she’d jump at that opportunity, but she’s got health issues.”

“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.”

We shook hands, and off I went, feeling more relaxed than how I’d arrived.

AsIenteredReboot,I caught sight of a man in a suit talking to Carson, so I went into the gym and did some weights while waiting.

Carson entered and rolled his eyes. “That was about Bram again.”

“Oh?” I frowned. “They haven’t questioned me .”

Carson rubbed his head. “I’ve had a shit week, and now a fucking cop’s hassling me.” He sighed.

“Is it that bad?” Since I was his fake alibi, I had a hit of nerves.

“I’m not worried about the cops. It’s just that Savvie lost the child.”

His eyes went watery as he took a steadying breath, and wiping them with a tissue, he forced a smile. “Sorry. It’s been tough. I’m becoming a bit too emotional, I’m afraid. Savvie even wanted to have a funeral.” He shook his head. “I talked her out of it. Do you think that was right?”

He really looked lost at sea.

“Um… I don’t know, man. I mean, I lost my father, and some days I still feel like crying. Emotions will make us feel and do all kinds of strange things. If she wants some kind of private ceremony, then maybe there’s no harm, I guess.”

He held my stare and nodded slowly. “Yeah. Perhaps you’re right. A ritual of sorts.” He released a heavy breath.

“I’m really sorry.” I touched his arm.

“Don’t worry. We’re getting through it. As long as she’s well, that’s all that counts to me. I’m just sad for her. She’s gutted.” He sighed. “I couldn’t be with her. I got caught up in fucking traffic. At least Manon was there.”

I frowned. Manon hadn’t mentioned that. “Really?”

He nodded, looking just as surprised as me. “Holy crap, she’s something else.”

Tell me about it.

“Manon’s got balls. I’ll tell you that much. And a fucking dangerous temper to boot.”

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