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I told him about the attack on Crisp.

“A pity the hitman was such a bad shot.” He smirked.

“That was my doing. I pushed Crisp out of the way, and the bullet just passed me. I can still hear ringing in my ears.”

He frowned. “You need to get your hearing tested, mate. Same thing happened to me. It’s now passed, but it took some time.” He shook his head as though what I’d just said had only just sunk in. “Shit. You saved the bastard.”

“It’s what we’re meant to do as security. Isn’t it?”

He nodded. “That’s how we train our team. As you know. You attended the workshops.” He paused. “And he bought your silence with a fifty-thousand-pound cheque.”

“I shouldn’t have taken it. I could have gone to the cops.”

“No. He’s too big for that. He’s probably got cops working for him. I’d stay away if I were you. But I’ll bring it up with Declan. Do you mind?”

“No. I trust Declan not to go around telling everyone.”

“Caroline already knows there’s large-scale drug importation happening there.”

My eyebrows rose. “You’re kidding, and she’s like, allowing that?”

“It’s his venue. His world. She’s disturbed by it for sure. But Crisp has her wrapped around his crooked finger. Not a word to anyone about what I just told you. Especially Manon.” He cocked his head. “There she is now.”

I turned and saw Manon sucking on a vape.

“Better go back in. Anything, and you come to me. Okay? You don’t have to keep this stuff to yourself. I know how suffocating that can be.”

He hugged me and headed back inside.

I wanted to leave. If only to escape Kylie. All my issues were turning me into a nervous wreck. I just wanted to hide in my room with my PlayStation or drink cups of tea with my mother. I needed her. She would calm me, help me sleep better. Manon had helped that one night we stayed together after the shooting. I didn’t even have a nightmare. With her soft, beautiful body in my arms and her sweet breath on my skin, life felt special, like I could do anything. Be anything.

I was about to turn away when she tapped me on the arm.

“Talk to me.” Smoke poured out of that perfect mouth that fitted mine like it belonged on my lips.

“When did you take up vaping?”

“A few days ago.” She looked sad.

“Full of harmful chemicals, Manon.”

“So what? Better than harmful people.”

We locked eyes, and all I could think of was us naked in bed.

“Your girlfriend’s coming on pretty strong.” She kept blowing smoke in my face, like it was a form of punishment.

“She’s not my fucking girlfriend. She’s making my life hell. I don’t want her.” Anger built, and if I didn’t walk away, I might explode and say something I would regret, like telling Kylie to fuck off. “I’m going. I’m over this.”

Manon grabbed my arm. “Wait.” Her eyes were wide and glassy. “Why are you being horrible to me? Why aren’t you answering my texts? You’re no longer into me?”

I raked my fingers through my hair. “Quite the opposite, Manon. I think I’ve made it pretty fucking obvious that I’m into you. It’s not something I can fake. You, however…”

Her brow creased. “I’m not faking. I’m always calling you. It feels like I’m doing all the chasing.”

We locked eyes once more, embarking on a wordless conversation. Something we did often.

Her eyes shone with want, uncertainty, and even a hint of fear, which struck me as odd. Manon had always seemed fearless.

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