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“Um… she’d just complain how you had it all, leaving her with nothing and that a life in poverty wasn’t a life worth living. Or something like that.”

She walked to the window and turned her back to me. I sensed she didn’t want me seeing her reaction. Despite her coming across as tough most of the time, I’d sometimes noticed an occasional fragile flicker in her eyes that she would quickly shift out of. I read her well enough because that was me too. I hated people seeing me vulnerable.

With Drake, that tough layer dropped. I could be real with him, warts—or I should say scars—and all.

“I’m not fishing for pity. If anything, I would have gone through all of that again if it meant being here with you.”

My grandmother wasn’t easy to read, but I felt her relief at hearing me admit that.

“I just don’t want to marry Rey.”

Lost in thought, she nodded slowly. “Leave it with me.”

Itwasaperfectsunny day for a fair, and I was glad I let Savvie talk me into going after she caught me moping around by the pool, feeling sorry for myself.

Stalls selling food and homemade crafts were spread throughout the farm, and there was even a stage for local musicians.

Savvie gave me a hug. “Yay. You came.”

“This is really buzzing.” I glanced at the brightly painted vans selling juices and vegan treats.

Carson joined Savvie. “It’s a great turnout.” He looked at his wife. “I’m going to that sausage sizzle. Can I get you one or two?”

She giggled. “No. I’m off meat. Remember?”

He looked at me and rolled his eyes, then kissed her and left us.

“What’s that about?” I had to ask.

“Oh, we’re having a food issue at home. He’s, like, a huge meat eater, and having gone vegan, I’ve grown to dislike the smell of meat.”

“That’s tricky,” I said. “Why no meat?”

“I read somewhere that it might help to detox, and I thought, why not? I never really liked meat anyway, and I feel healthier.” She smiled.

She linked her arm in mine. “Come on, let’s go for a spin and spend some money. Good to support the local community, and there are some nice crafty scarfs and beanies.”

“It’s summer,” I said.

“It can get a little nippy when the winds blow.”

We went from stall to stall. I bought some hand cream and lip balm, and there was even a stall with organic cotton underwear.

“These look comfortable,” Savvie said, picking up a pair of long knickers.

I scrunched my face, and she laughed.

“Yep. Better wait until I’m forty and bored with sex for those,” she added.

“You look too in love to get bored with sex.”

Her eyes had that satisfied look of someone who had everything. “It just gets better. Even so, these do look comfy. I might buy a few pairs. And the singlets too.”

I held back on the grandmother’s underwear.

We ran into Declan and Julian at a wooden toy store.

“This is fabuloso.” Savvie hugged Declan.
