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Before my next breath, I flew like the wind into the forest. Having run in Chatting Wood often enough, I knew my way through it, even in the dark. My daily sprints had paid off. Alec was more likely to beat me in a burger-eating contest than a race.

Once I was in the middle of the wood, I caught my breath by doubling over and resting my hands on my thighs. My body was covered in scratches and bruises, but adrenaline worked wonders for numbing pain, I’d discovered.

I had two options, Reboot or Merivale, and I opted for the latter, since the hall was closer to the wood and there were enough staff around for Alec to think twice about chasing me through the lit-up grounds. I couldn’t imagine Crisp would want anyone to know I’d become his latest victim.

When I got there, I found the servants’ back entrance locked.

I could either go home and be knocked off or climb up to Manon’s room.

Satisfied that he hadn’t tailed me, I walked to the front of that sizeable building and studied the façade for ways to climb it.

There were enough embellishments to grip onto, and all I needed to do was get to the top balcony, which sat on the second floor.

Channelling my inner Spider-Man, I jumped up on some lattice, hoping I wouldn’t bring it down as I took the deepest lunge I could muster. With my hamstrings threatening to pop, I somehow gripped onto the head of a carved creature jutting from the wall. From there, it was just a matter of swinging onto the balustrade framing the balcony.

All that ninja training with Billy, who was convinced redheads had the edge in that competition, had paid off.

Only I didn’t have a pool to fall into.

I finally climbed over the balustrade, and massaging sore muscles, I waited for my heart rate to ease. The thought that I might have mistaken Manon’s room sent me into a moment of panic.

Had I’d landed on Caroline’s balcony instead?

It looked familiar to me. Which meant nothing because I imagined all the balconies were alike.

The glass doors were shut, which wasn’t surprising. It was a chilly night.

I rapped my knuckles on the damp, cold window as quietly as I could.

Chapter 23


Iheardknockingonthe balcony, and assuming it was the wind, I ignored it and rolled over. I couldn’t sleep. All I could think of was Drake and how things would work with Crisp clawing at me to be his wife. All I had to do was show Drake those horrible images, the thought of which had me carving into my skin again.

Despite the images being fake, I couldn’t bring myself to show him because the photos looked like me.

My past had come back to haunt me. Crisp had thrown the mud right back at me. Arsehole.

All along, he’d known I was playing him, but he’d still stuck around, waiting to see if the Lovechildes would take me in like some stray.

The glass door rattled again, even a little louder. Sleeping in that big house, or hall as they called it, spooked me some nights. There were probably ghosts. All those creepy portraits everywhere filled my imagination with all kinds of horror stories at night. I’d even removed one of the late father’s great aunt from my bedroom. She had piercing eyes that seemed to follow me around.

A figure appeared on the balcony, and as I went to scream, my vocal cords froze.

Was I asleep and thinking I was awake? I’d had a few of those nightmares before.

The figure gestured for me to open the door.

A shiver ran through me as I clutched onto my arms, digging my nails in deep. The pain confirmed my being awake.

I heard, “Manon, open the door.”

Hurrying to the windowed door, I peered through and saw Drake on my balcony. I released all my angst in one happy gasp.

How romantic.

When I opened the door, he almost tumbled in.
