Page 43 of Sugar Rush

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"Hey! That's not how it works." I glared until I saw Taj’s mouth twitch with a smirk, and realised he was winding me up. "Dick," I huffed, and kissed him again.

"Go see him," Taj muttered when we drew apart. "I'll get the guys up and we'll figure out where to look for the sceptre next."

It hurt to separate myself from him and climb out of bed, but even though part of my soul was sobbing with relief to spend time with Taj, another part was screaming that I needed to lay eyes on Dev,anythingcould have happened, he could havedied—

"You should go see the dogs," I replied, quietly opening the wardrobe and finding underwear and clothes. Ugh, I needed to shower, but injured soulmates waited for no one, so I crossed to the bathroom and had a quick wash instead. The water was cold, because everything in this damn world was cold.

By the time I was dressed, I could hear the guys groaning and moving around in the bedroom, but I knew if I went back in there, I'd be pulled into cuddles and kisses, and it would be another two hours before I checked on Dev. My bond wouldn't wait that long.

"Here, eat these," Taj barked when I passed the kitchen on the second floor.

I blinked at the Pop Tarts he shoved into my hand—the confetti cupcake ones with rainbow sprinkles Dev stocked my kitchen with. My favourites.

Taj had made me breakfast…?

My bottom lip thrust out as I bit into one, but I refused to break down in tears.

"I love you," I said with a mouth full of warm vanilla goodness, and escaped down the stairs when Taj's mouth dropped.

"Holy shit," I heard him breathe behind me, and a laugh bubbled up my throat.

When I reached the ground floor, my stomach whirled like a possessed washing machine, but it didn't stop me eating my Pop Tarts.

"I love you," he growled down the stairs, peering over the bannister. "I love every fucking bone in your body."

"Cool," I shouted back, and ducked out the door to my suite, my heart hammering and a crazy grin on my face.

It lasted all of two minutes, until Bel spotted me and raced down the hall towards me, her amber eyes bright with violence and a scary grin on her face. Shira strode elegantly at her side, as beautiful and sweet as ever in long red scrubs, her hair flowing buoyantly around her red horns.

"I was just looking for you and your mates," Bel said, strangely excited.

"Oh god, what now?" I groaned, cramming the last of my Pop Tart in my mouth.

"We found the bitch from the training hall."

A little flip went through my stomach. My heart kicked up. "You found Lou?"

"Hell yeah we did," Bel replied, grinning like a madwoman.

Lou, who worked for Eidolon, who knew his plans. Who might know where to find him—and X if he really was still alive.

"Where is she?" I growled.

"We sedated her," the crimson medic replied. "She's in Taj's torture room." Shira gave me the same concerned look she did everyday. "How are you doing, my lady?"

I honestly stopped hearing afterTaj's torture room.

This was turning out to be an amazing day.


"Stop staring at me," Taj muttered. "You're putting me off."

I propped my chin on my hand and kept staring. The hard plastic chair in the corner of Taj's torture room was leaving painful creases in my already-aching backside, but I didn't care.

The walls and floor were painted black—to hide the blood splashes—and the entire left wall was a gallery of beautiful, shiny weapons. My gaze drifted to a bone saw, but I resolutely snapped my attention back to my mate.

"You look so good right now," I told him, earning a glare of warning.
