Page 42 of Sugar Rush

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"They respawn after a few weeks," Taj disagreed, his warm fingers gliding soft touches across my back like this was normal and we shared morning pillow talk every day.

"They fuckingwhat?"I hissed, quiet not to wake Joseph and Ark who slept beside us in my generously sized bed.

Taj smirked at my expression. "They respawn. They're vicious fuckers; hard to kill. Luckily, I know how to burn out their magic. Consider them murdered."

I batted my lashes. "As a mating present?"

"Didn't I already give you a mating present?" he asked, hand sliding down my back to grab my ass cheek. "I distinctly remembering fucking you so hard you couldn't breathe."

I rolled my eyes. "That was because you flew into a protective rage over me nearly dying."

"Yeah." He nodded, dark hair mussed on my pillow. "Same thing."

I snorted, and leaned up to kiss him, long and slow and full of all the soft words we were too sharp to say. It was … it wasniceto have a moment to appreciate that we were both alive, together, after all the shit the world threw at us.

His soul wrapped around mine like a clingy golden retriever, his grip tightening on my ass cheek to mould us closer together. A hiss forced me to draw back, and Taj stiffened, probably feeling the sharp flash of pain.

"So, um." I laid a kiss on his swollen lips. "I think I permanently damaged my ass by falling on it yesterday."

He snorted, which was not a sympathetic response. I poked him in the ribs, but made sure to avoid the still-healing areas.

"Need me to kiss it better, pretty killer?" he teased, his touch now feather-light instead of possessive.

I smirked right back at him. "Are you volunteering to kiss my ass, Taj Amora?"

Chocolate eyes narrowed. "That was a genuine, heartfelt offer; don't mock my generosity."

I rolled my eyes and ducked forward, catching his plush bottom lip in my teeth and giving it a taunting pull. His cock throbbed under me.

"Heartfelt my ass," I whispered.

"Good for heart; I'm jealous," he quipped, earning another eye-roll.

"You think you're so clever."

"I know I am."

"Smug bastard."

His eyes gleamed with amusement. Or … or happiness? "Crazy bitch.Mycrazy bitch."

"Yours," I agreed, because I reallywascrazy. "Taj, you know I—right?"

"I know you love me," he agreed, fingers catching my chin, forcing my gaze to his. "And I know that scares the shit out of you, and you're probably only admitting it because I nearly died."

"I'm still not convinced you won't die," I admitted.

"I'm too stubborn to die," he scoffed, his smirking mouth luring me back for another long kiss. "And so is my dad," he added, addressing the dread gnawing at my heart.

I dropped my head back to his chest, swallowing hard, the sweet taste of Taj still on my tongue.

"Do you—are me and Dev—are we—"

"I could not give two shits. Just don't expect me to be in the same room when you two are at it."

I wrinkled my nose. I might have been a psycho, but that line was one I wouldn't make anyone cross. "I'd never expect anything. But it doesn't weird you out?"

"Is it weird? Yes. Do I care? No. At least I know I can leave you alone and my dad will make you behave."
