Page 65 of Sugar Rush

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He steadied me with big hands on my shoulders, a deep furrow between his brows. "I'm fine. You?"

I nodded, looking out across the river and our armada of rowing boats. Wraiths and Murkyr warriors fought off dark, grasping hands as the river rebelled against our presence. Some flapped blue-black wings and took off into the sky—only to be shot back down by an invisible arrow. Water crashed as they dropped into the river, and their fellow warriors roared in rage.

"Shit," I breathed, watching two others who'd tried to fly away plunge into the dark water. It grew darker the closer we rowed to the imposing tower, but there was still enough greyish light to see the black arms that thrust out of the river and pulled people under.

"Avie!" Joseph roared.

I jumped, my heart crashing up into my throat and beating triple time. I didn't understand what happened when a solid weight pressed me into the boat. My head smacked the hard wood, water sloshed over the side and drenched my chest—and the weight tore away.

I blinked up at the grey sky, the grassy bluff dancing in the wind. "What happened…?"

"Shit!" Taj snarled as I sat up, rubbing my head. My stomach sank like a wingless pigeon when I saw their furious stares pinned beyond me—behindme. I scanned X, Arkan, and Taj. No Joseph.

The weight that had flattened me to the boat, saving me from the evil black hands in the river—Joseph. He'd saved me.

I didn't think twice; I frantically searched the bubbles in the water and when I saw where he'd been dragged under, I leapt overboard.

"No!"X screamed, the sound gouging the soft, vulnerable bits of my chest.

"Get back here!" Arkan ordered, panic spiralling through his soul.

"B-R-B," I yelled back, pumping my arms through the dark water and already breathless.

I knew there were souls in here, and they'd pull me under, but they'd taken my mate. And no one—fuckingno one—got to take my mates from me. Not again.

That was the refrain that played over and over in my head as I swam, lighting up my body with fire when hands reached for me—not again, not again…

Water boiled around me as I swam, uncomfortable on my thick, crimson skin but not painful. When I found the place Joseph had gone under, I took a deep breath—momentarily alarmed by how much bigger my lung capacity was as a demon—and flopped my whole body underwater. I tried to dive, but I'd lost all my grace to my panic.

Not again, not again…

I could barely see anything underwater; above was murky and grey but down here it was almost black. I reached for the core of power in my stomach. I'd been using fire magic a lot lately—when in Hell, do as the hellions do—but my old familiar power was waiting beneath it. Not as strong as the flames, drained to a bare wisp by Eidolon through the years, but stubborn. Refusing to be beaten. I knew the feeling.

I grabbed hold of it, the power that had no limits, that let me doanything.All I needed was a little blood and a river of souls in blistering, endless pain.

I carved my arms through the dark water, swimming deeper and letting the furious bubbling of the water calm, letting the river cool around me. Letting the souls approach.

When something brushed my calf, I hissed in a surprised breath of water, bubbles forcing uncomfortably up my nose. A quick glance over my shoulder showed a dark, wobbly figure was following me. Good.

If I was a mermaid, I'd be able to execute a beautiful flip in the water, probably throwing my hair through the water in a hot-girl move. Because I was a part-human-part-demon mishmash, I flopped gracelessly until I faced the soul trying to grab me. Or devour me. I couldn't tell which.

Kicking my legs to keep from sinking like the Titanic (post-iceberg), I thrust my hand through the water and connected with the soul. I couldn't feed on souls like Joseph, and my power was stronger with blood, but I was improvising. My magic had always had an extra kick when I touched the person in pain, and this soul was no different.

My eyes blew wide, a shudder rushed over my skin, and my core throbbed.2Instead of letting my fire eat all the power, I pushed it at my neglected magic. The power I'd used to make a dagger that day in the fairground, when I first met my circle.

It flared, growing strong enough for me to grab hold of it. My body moved sluggishly as I shoved the soul away, forming the waterproof torch and the rope I needed. I couldn't find Joseph if I couldn't see him, and no fucking way was I strong enough, even in demon form, to pull Joseph's hefty body up to the boat. So torch and rope it was.

I let out a hiss of victory when light flared in my hand. Not exactly a torch, but I'd take it. I flung my hand at the soul whose pain I'd used and it skittered away with a shriek.Fuck, my eardrums! If that soul ever wanted to leave this river, it could have a serious career as a soprano singer.

Where the fuck was Joseph? I cast the beam of bright silver lightin my palmaround, scanning the water as I flapped in place. If I hadn't already cut off my breathing, panic would have made it impossible.

Where are you?

I reached out with my soul, desperate to find Joseph, but that only confirmed what I'd already been in hard denial about. Our bond was muddied and faint. I was officially adding the river of souls to my enemies list. Fear tightened my chest. Where the hellwashe?

I swam harder, ignoring the weakness threatening the edges of my awareness. The river had muffled my bond, and now it seemed determined to steal my strength too.

When I get out of here and kill my psycho lizard abuser,I threatened the water leaching the warmth from my bones,I'm coming back to drain you dry.
