Page 66 of Sugar Rush

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I threw my hand-torch in every direction, scouring the river with panicked eyes, but it was a little damn difficult when dark, watery souls kept rushing at me and I had to pause to scare the fuckers away.

Where was my rope? I'd asked for a torch—and got a glowing hand and no rope.

Panic clawed at my chest. I hadn't given much thought to jumping into the river to save Joseph, but I'd assumed I'd find him, haul him up to the surface, and we'd be alright. But I must have been underwater for a minute already, and I—wait, how was I breathing? I could barely hold my breath for thirty seconds, let alone a minute. What the Hell kind of riverwasthis?

I swung my light around again, pushing my legs harder, diving deeper. What if I couldn't see Joseph because—because he was already dead? What if he was one of the souls around me?

A sob ate up a valuable bubble of air in my chest.

Fingers snagged in my hair, pulling at the roots, and I jerked hard, rattling my brain inside my skull. It wasn't the dark river of souls flowing around me; it was the icy stab of a bath full of cold water.

The ruthless fingers in my hair, shoving my head under the water, belonged to my dad.

He was going to kill me in his useless scheme to make me stronger, and no matter how hard I struggled, no matter how many hits I got to his arms, or how hard I pushed against the heartless hands holding me under, I couldn't save myself.

Water shoved up my nose and down my throat, and I gagged. I could see the light at the end of the tunnel, growing closer—no, jumping around erratically, like a drunk firefly. Wow, death was a lot more chaotic than the calm experience I'd been picturing for years.

It broke through the desperate vision of my dad drowning me, bright silver light piercing my eyeballs until I realised they were open, just unfocused, and I wasn't being drowned. I was being felt up by a very amorous soul. I was also back in my human form, like my trauma had swallowed all my remaining strength. Great.

Get out of here!I mentally yelled, shining my palm in its rough eye-area. But what if—what if that was Joseph? And I'd never see him again? There were so many souls in the river; how would I ever find a single soul again?

The soul caressing my hair swam off. With a shudder, I searched the dark part of the river I'd swum into—or rather floated into while I had a flashback—and ignored the vicious aches in my arms and legs. How long had passed while I was mentally struggling for freedom in that bath? The sad thing was I didn't even know which training session that was; it had happened over ten times.

Where are you, Joejoe?

A ripple of something fierce and huge went through my soul—I felt the mammoth scope of it even if it touched me like a whisper. Like a reflection instead of the full, clear image.

I latched onto it and swam hard for that ripple of … I had no idea what emotion it was. Bright and sharp. Panic, it had to be.

My chest pulled taut at how afraid Joseph was.

I'm coming,I promised.I'll rescue you.

I swam harder, pushing my exhausted limbs to their limits. I could have sworn someone touched my hair again, but when I lashed my head to the side, there was no one there.Safe,I reminded myself.I'm safe, I have magic, I'm powerful.

Never powerless again. The only time I'd ever choke for air would be with a cock down my throat.

My head grew heavier the further I swam, chasing that flash of sharp emotion coming from Joseph's soul, but I was too determined to let it stop me. I dragged myself through the river, keeping an eye out for handsy souls. There were less souls in this area though. Way,wayless. A rumble of foreboding went through my soul.

If the lost souls avoided this part of the river, it was probably for a good reason. I sank deeper into my magic, wanting to reach for my fire so badly but resisting the urge. What use was fire underwater? All I could do was boil the river, and if something was big and bad enough to scare the souls trying to drag huge, winged demon warriors under water, I didn't think boiling water would scare it.

The farther I swam, the sharper Joseph's emotion grew, carving through his soul into mine. A choked sob rushed up my throat and caused bubbles in the water when I finally spotted him. He was in an empty, dark corner of the river, partially hidden behind a big, waving leaf that looked decidedly poisonous; I gave it a wide berth as I urged my aching, screaming body through the water towards my mate.

When I was close enough to see his face, to feel his emotions clearer, to see what he held in his hands, I blinked. And gave a hard, pointed yank on our bond.

He spun around, his green-brown eyes bright and shiny and his mouth open as he sucked the soul he'd captured down, draining it dry like me slurping a bright blue slushie. He gobbled the last of the soul and rushed through the water to me, a giant grin on his dark face, and I finally recognised the sharp emotion in his soul—glee.

You. Fucking. Bastard.

I wanted to say it, but I was dangerously low on air, and my head was getting a little wavy. I gave his shoulder a rough shove when he reached me though, expressing my emotions by grabbing him into a hug and squeezing hard enough to leave permanent bruises on his cold body.

I’d been terrified that he was dying down here, and he was having the time of his life at an all-you-can-eat fucking buffet?

I'm going to kill you.

I pointed up in a clear command. He was high on souls like a twisted sugar rush;hecould do all the work. I went limp in his arms as he swung me up against his chest and swam with frustrating ease.

Weight tugged on my head, pulling it back, and when I turned my face, I finally saw what was pulling on me. It wasmy hair.Instead of hitting shoulder length, it was now as long as a fairy tale princess's and trailed behind me in a rope of pink, purple, and cerulean.

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