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“Nothing really. Just an intense scene.” I didn’t want to explain further, and I definitely wasn’t ready to talk about Thatcher, so I simply wrapped my arms around him tighter, nuzzling into his neck.

“I want to hear all about it, but first, let’s get you up to a bubble bath for some relaxation.” He knew me so well. There was never any judgment, never any jealousy from him. That’s why polyamory worked so well for us. It hadn’t always been that way, mind you, but we had a rhythm now. It worked well for us, and no one was the wiser. Save Danielle. She was the one person in my “vanilla” life that knew my kinky secrets. Well, shehad beenthe one person. I couldn’t allow myself to dwell on the implications of that right now, however.

“That sounds perfect.” I kissed him gently on the lips, pushing all thoughts of our new neighbor far from my mind, before heading to the staircase. He picked up my bag, carrying it behind me as we made our way to the bedroom and then to the ensuite bathroom. I leaned over the sink, eyeing myself in the mirror as Jamie walked up behind me. He had left my bag by the door. I would clean the items in a little while, but first I needed my own version of aftercare.

It’s something that was often overlooked by those newly exploring kink, but Dominants needed aftercare just as much as submissives did. For me, that meant unwinding at home, usually with Jamie, or sometimes just a good book and a glass of wine.

I watched in the mirror’s reflection as Jamie undid the laces of my corset with deft fingers.

“You looked beautiful tonight.” His praising words were like a soothing balm to my heart. I wasn’t hurt, just tired and worn out.

“Thank you, love,” I whispered as he eased the corset off of my body. My breasts fell, dropping from the lofty position the corset granted them back to their normal, much more comfortable place. I groaned with relief, running my hands over the reddened marks the boning left on my torso.

Jamie turned to start the bathwater. I twisted my long hair, using a few large pins to secure it up and away from my shoulders. I looked like a naughty pin-up girl like this, the old Hollywood curls turning my hair into a fast up-do, my curves on display as I let the skirt fall, leaving me in only stockings, a garter belt, and panties.

“That’s quite a look,” Jamie said behind me. I gave him a soft smile in the mirror. His eyes roved over my form in appreciation. That was the thing about Jamie — he wasn’t like other men. He didn’t desire me in the same way others did. He admired me, he loved me, and he showered me with all the adoring affection I could ask for, in a purely selfless and unassuming way. I’d never felt anything like it before. I doubted I ever would again.

I slipped the rest of my clothing off, taking Jamie’s hand as he helped me into the steaming water of the tub. This had been one of the major selling points when we bought our home. Brand new home, with a brand new massive tub.

“I’ll never understand how you can stand to just plop yourself down into boiling hot lava bath water,” Jamie said, shaking his head with a sigh.

“You enjoy hot tubs. You absolutely get it.” I groaned as the heat of the water seeped into my skin, relaxing my tight muscles slowly. The water lapped over my body like a lover’s caress.

“It’s not the same, and you know it.”

“How?” I closed my eyes, relaxing in the warm water, the bubbles tickling over the tops of my breasts as I scooted down further into the water, submerging as much of myself as I could into the warmth.

“A hot tub is a hot tub. A bath is basically human soup.”

“That doesn’t make any sense, Jamie.”

“It makes perfect sense.” We fell into silence for a moment, Jamie sitting there on the floor beside me. He handed me my glass of wine, for which I was eternally grateful. “So, what made tonight so taxing on you?”

“I scened with Bex tonight,” I said with a sigh.

“Bratty Bex or super-subby Bex?” he asked. A valid question, if there ever was one. The woman was like two sides of a coin at times.

“Super subby Bex.”

“That’s not usually a tough night for you. What made tonight different?” Jamie knew he could ask me anything about my scenes and I would tell him the truth — so long as my submissive agreed to sharing details. Consent was key in these things, by all parties involved.

“We pushed some limits tonight,” I explained quietly. “Degradation and humiliation in a public setting.”

“That’s a big move for you two. I know you’ve done it privately several times, but public was always the goal, right?”

“Exactly. And it was hot as fuck. A complete and raging success, but it was draining.”

“You do love to put on a show, but I’m sure that level was difficult,” he whispered, his fingertips playing in the bubbles near my knees.

“Especially with Bex. There’s less aftercare between the two of us than with the boys. Which is fine. I get my aftercare here. But it makes me tense and ready to get home,” I answered his unspoken question.

“That makes sense. I’m glad it was good for you, though, sweetheart. Would you like me to stay, or would you like some peace and quiet?”

“I always want you here, Jamie,” I answered, my eyes finding his. I reached for his hand, taking comfort in his presence and in his affection for me.

Jamie and I didn’t have a typical marriage, at least not by normal society’s standards. But I think that’s what I loved most about it: we were not normal people and normal just didn’t work for us. After years of self-exploration and good communication, we found a groove, and we stuck to it. It was uncomplicated, and it was everything we both needed.

And that was enough.
