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With our aftercare complete, I took a moment in the bathroom to refresh myself before heading back out into the main event space. Makeup barely needed a touchup, and my hair only had a few wild strays to tame. I found myself taking more time than normal, knowing that I was more than likely going to be cornered by the new homeowner alpha-Dom himself. Perhaps I would get lucky. Maybe my sheer skill as a Domme would fend off any unwanted advances. A girl could hope.

“Excellent scene tonight, Luxe.” Max congratulated me as I walked back into the bustling and quite loud space. The crowd had grown during Jester’s and my aftercare. I took a deep breath, letting myself revel in the thrumming energy of it all.

“I couldn’t agree more.” The same smarmy tone of none other than Apple Grove’s newest resident rang out from behind Max as he stepped into the space beside us.

“Oh, Luxe, let me introduce you to Haven’s newest member, Septus.” I looked at the man in confusion. I was used to scene names in the BDSM world, but Septus was a new one for me, I had to admit.

“Pleased to meet you, Septus,” I said, giving him a smile that most definitely did not reach my eyes.

“Don’t pretend like we haven’t met.” His chiding tone was not lost on anyone, though Max’s peel of laughter surprised me.

“You two have met?” He chuckled through his words.

“Oh, we most definitely have.” Septus confirmed, but thankfully he left it at that.

“Septus is quite the name,” I said, quickly changing the subject.

“Doesn’t everyone have scene names here, Lady Luxe?” The way his words nearly purred out of his mouth with an arrogant panache made me want to smack him right across his handsome face.

No, not handsome.

Okay, maybe handsome. I couldn’t help but notice the man’s physical appeal. Taller than even myself, with just the hint of a strong, muscled physique peeking through his thin tee-shirt, he would have nearly every female submissive in the room drooling over him. I glanced around the room and found my suspicions correct. There were more than a dozen subs glancing his direction with looks of awe, intrigue, and flat-out lust.

“That they do,” Max answered his rhetorical question.

“Well, I hope you find Haven to your liking.” I had hoped my words would serve as a farewell, but luck was not on my side tonight.

“I am finding it quite to my liking, Lady Luxe. I would love to talk about your scene tonight, if you have the time.”

“I unfortunately do not,” I answered as politely as I could. I wasn’t pulling it off well.

“You’re done with your scenes tonight, and I see Jester is already up to no good amongst his usual crowd. I’m sure you can spend some time showing Septus around.” Max’s words were not really a suggestion. I was co-owner of Haven, and if the newcomer had taken a liking to me, it should be me who showed him around. It’s what we did for any new people here, and if I had any shred of decency, I would treat him just as I did any other.

“Perfect. That will give us time to get to know one another.” Septus’ smarmy tone had that shred of decency fraying thinner by the minute.

“Well, I’ll leave you to it!” Max bounced off in the other direction, likely off to find one of his rigger buddies. If I remembered correctly, they were planning a pretty big rope event next week.

“Finally alone.” Septus’ words were spoken twice as close as before, as he invaded my space.

“Listen, Septus — I’m not sure what’s going through that thick skull of yours, but you literally just watched me top a man, and you saw me top a few nights ago as well. What on God’s green Earth could possess you to think I’d switch from Dominant to submissive just because of a few slowly drawled words by the likes of you?” My words were curt, brash, and I didn’t regret a single one of them. Fuck around and find out.

“What did you just call me?” His tone had shifted from smarmy Casanova to something deeper; something dark, bordering on anger.

“I called you Septus. That’s what you were introduced as,” I said with a scoff, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

“No, the other part.” He all but sneered at me, his eyes narrowed as he mirrored my stance.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Oh, I think you do.” Somehow, his eyes narrowed in on me even further. I had pissed him off.

“All I meant was that I don’t need some wannabe-Dom trying to turn me into —”

“That’s the part,” he said, interrupting my words mid-sentence.

“Oh, for Christ’s sake, I am sorry if I hurt your feelings by calling you a wannabe-Dom, but —”

“You didn’t hurt my feelings,” he said, interrupting me again.
