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And for the time being, it was. I put all the drama, everything at Haven, and all things related to Septus, out of my head and simply enjoyed the love and intimacy of my husband.


“I still can’t believeyou convinced me to do this,” I said to Max as he helped set the room up for the class.

“First of all, you’ll be great at it. You’re an incredibly well-versed Dominant here at Haven, a co-owner of the damn place, and on top of all that, you owe me,” he said with a laugh.

“Wait a second. How the hell do I owe you?” I argued, putting my hands on my hips and leveling the man with a glare.

“One word: Cecilia.”

“Oh shit. Yeah. Okay. You’re right.” I grumbled, turning back to the chairs we were currently lining up around the room before the class began. My mind swirled with memories.

Cecilia had been a submissive who had taken notice of me a few months ago. What had started off as harmless interest and flirtation — solely on her part — had snowballed into an obsession. I had agreed to do a scene with her, against my better judgment, and things had quickly gotten out of hand. She broke the negotiated and set boundaries within the first ten minutes of the scene. When I called my safeword, abruptly ending the scene, she had erupted into tears. I had thought she would have run off in embarrassment; not that I wanted her to. But I had been shockingly surprised when she flipped around and berated me in front of all those gathered at Haven that night. The dungeon monitors quickly stepped in, and it was handled, or so I had thought.

“That was one fucked up situation, Sadie. I’m glad it’s over,” he said with a heavy sigh.

“I am, too.”

“I honestly thought that the reprimand would have worked after her display. I had no idea she would go all nutso on you.” Remembering back to the day a few months ago when I had come out of Haven to find my tires slashed, my car keyed, and trash piled up all over the roof and hood had shivers running up my spine. Cecilia had stood there beside it all, screaming at me like a woman gone mad, ranting and raving and threatening to harm herself from the pain and anguish of my apparent public humiliation. She had accused me of breaking boundaries by humiliating her, when I knew it was a hard limit for her. In truth, she had humiliated herselfaftershe had touched me in a way I had specifically stated as a boundary. She had kissed me, touched me between my legs. All of which I had not consented to, which was why I had called the safeword in the first place. They weren’t just for submissives. And Cecilia had lost her mind over it.

Max, ever the quick thinker, had called the cops and handled the situation for me, basically. I had been well and truly rattled by the situation. Jamie had come to get me that night and we had gotten my car fixed quickly. It didn’t stop the guilt from plaguing me. The fact that she had threatened to harm herself laid heavy on my mind for weeks after.

“I would have done it for anyone, Sadie, but especially for you.”

“So, then, maybe I don’t owe you?” I teased him.

“Oh, no you’re not getting out of this,” he said, chuckling and pinning me with what was supposed to be a stern glare, but it came off way more as a funnily scrunched-up face.

“You know I would have done it if you just asked.”

“Well, I had to be certain. We need a Dominant here for the class, and I think you’re just the right person for it,” Max admitted.

“For a Bottoming 101 class?” I scoffed, rolling my eyes. “Trust me, I don’t think I’m the right person for that.” The conversation with Septus played over in my mind. I had fucked up, badly. Then again, I could use this opportunity to teach better habits and information. Perhaps Max was on to something.

“Who am I teaching the class with, by the way?” I asked, realizing Max had never mentioned a name.

“That’s the other reason you’re best for the job,” Max said with a wink. Not two minutes later, Bex all but crashed through the doors.

“Never fear, for I am here,” she said with a sassy little saunter and a wink in my direction that had me wanting to pull her over my knee and spank that pert little ass. God, she was one hell of a submissive.

“Oh, no! Not you!” I yelled in mock horror.

“Shut up, you love me,” she said with a sassy flair. I arched one perfectly sculpted eyebrow in her direction and her face fell, eyes lowering to the ground. “I’m sorry, Lady Luxe.”

“Good girl. Now, remember, this isn’t a scene tonight. Just two people in kink, educating others. No dynamic, only education,” I said, tugging her forearm until she slipped into my embrace.

“We’re going to be badass bitches tonight,” she said with a chuckle.

“Hell yes we are.”

* * *

“That’sthe important thing I want you all to get from this class tonight: submission is not for the weak. It is for the strong, the ones who endure, and who are willing to go to battle. It is a beautiful and humbling experience, and something unearthly to behold by the right Dominant.” Bex’s words rang true, and filled me with so much pride I was nearly bursting with it.

A memory flashed through my mind of my training days with Pamela, or Mistress Vixen, as I called her then.

“This isn’t easy, Sadie.” She had said, wrapping a blanket around my shivering body as tears fell down my cheeks. The scene had not been intense. Far from it, in fact. I simply had to follow her instructions. Easy enough, right? But as the scene played out, with me doing this task or that for her, my emotions had welled up and spilled over as fat tears running down my face.
