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“Yes, Lady Luxe?” He pulled away enough that our eyes met, but our arms stayed wrapped around one another.

“Are you formally asking to end our contract, to end our dynamic as submissive and Dominant?” His teeth worried at that lower lip for a moment longer before he took a deep breath of confidence.

“Yes, I am, Lady Luxe,” he answered with a confidence and happiness that would make any Dominant proud. I beamed at him.

“Then I accept, and wish you nothing but joy, Thomas.” We pulled each other close once more. It was a goodbye of a sort, wrapped up in joy and love, and gratitude for one another.

“Thank you for everything, La-, I mean, Luxe,” he answered with a grin, pulling away from me, his eyes immediately finding Master Viktor, not far away from us. As Thomas ran towards him, I gave the older gentleman my nod of approval, which he returned with a smile of thanks.

I gathered the last of my things, zipping up the black bag and slinging it over my shoulder.

“Luxe!” Max’s voice called as he approached.

“Hey, Max. Thank you again for the scene tonight. That was a ton of fun,” I said with a smile.

“It was.” The mood immediately shifted as I noticed he didn’t smile. His hands shoved into his back pockets, he almost seemed nervous. “Hey, listen. A situation has been brought to our attention, and a meeting has been called.”

“Oh? What’s going on?” I asked, immediately concerned. Flashes of memory from the drama with Cecilia rushed to the surface of my consciousness without preamble.

“It’s about you, Luxe.”


“Yeah. I listened to what was going on and, honestly, I’m a bit surprised.”

“Max, what’s going on?”

“Septus has come forward, claiming that the two of you have had discussions of a potential dynamic between the two of you, and then you have been refusing to communicate. Is that true? ‘Cause honestly, it doesn’t sound like you at all.”

“Oh, shit.” My mind drifted to the unanswered notifications of text messages and unheard voicemails Thatcher had left over the last two weeks.

“Um, yeah, actually. It’s true.” I admitted with a heavy sigh of guilt and resignation.

“What?” Max’s eyes widened in shock. “Luxe, what’s going on?”

“It’s complicated.”

“I gathered that much. He has requested a meeting with you. Here at the club.”

“Of course he did.” I mumbled the words under my breath, running my hand over my forehead in frustration; more with myself than with anything else.

“So you’ll accept the meeting, then?” Max urged me.

“Yeah, yeah. Of course.”

“Good. He’s waiting in Meeting Room 3 right now.” Max’s words filled me with a sense of dread. Great, no time to prepare myself.

“No time like the present. Let me put my things in my locker and I’ll be there.”

“Good. Luxe, are you sure you’re okay? This really isn’t like you.” The concern on Max’s face, his hand on my upper arm in a gesture of comfort, was not lost on me.

“Yeah, Max. I’m okay. I’ll handle it,” I said with a smile.

“You know we have your back if you need it.”

“I know.” With a small smile, Max went back to whatever it was he was doing, leaving me to deposit my things in the locker room, my mind spinning with dread about the conversation that was about to take place.

My heels clicked and clacked as I walked down the long hall to the meeting room. Deep breaths of equal parts faux-confidence and dread filled my lungs as I approached the room.
