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“Pamela and Danielle don’t count. You need to talk to someone who has the training and education to help you face and overcome your past. Look, I’ve even put together a list of therapists in our area who —”

“Jamie…” I cut him off with a warning tone. “I said enough. Please.”

“Okay, okay. Just know that I’m here for you when you’re ready to take that step.”

I wanted to argue his words, to push them to the side as inconvenient rhetoric. But underneath it all, I knew he was right. But for today, I’d continue lying to myself, continue telling myself he was wrong.

Just for today.


Two weeks later.

“Lady Luxe, that was gorgeous!” Jester nearly screamed across the floor of Haven, running over to me.

“Thank you, Jester,” I said with a quick chuckle, gathering the last of my toys and items and placing them in the bag to be cleaned.

“Seriously, you and Bex are just so good together. Hot as fuck. Ten out of ten, would recommend!” He nearly swooned, reiterating his adoration for the scene Bex and I had just finished not twenty minutes ago. She was currently tucked away in an aftercare room with her husband, safe and sound, leaving me to clean up, which was fine by me.

“Thank you, dear. It was a wonderful scene, wasn’t it?”

“It was! And the fact that you brought in Sir Max for a dual top scene with rope and wax? Fuck me! How do I sign up for that!?”

“Jester, you don’t like rope,” I reminded him, chiding him gently.

“Oh, right. Well, it was hot, regardless! Hey, look! There’s Thomas. Thomas! Over here!” He called out, even more loudly, waving Thomas over to where we stood. My eyes scanned the crowd, finding Thomas’ smiling face as he ran over to us. Just behind him, my eyes landed on Thatcher’s brooding form, leaning up against the wall like a biker outside of a bar, oozing sex appeal and angst in a way that made me want to forget my own resolve and go to him. I shook the thought from my head. That would not do. It was better to let it lie. Better to move on.

“Lady Luxe!” Thomas panted as he joined us. I opened my arms to him, letting his arms wrap around me as we greeted one another.

“Hello, boy. How are you today?” I said, ruffling his hair playfully. He cleared his throat, standing away from me with a worried look on his face.

“Lady Luxe, I would like to request a time to sit and talk soon, Ma’am.” His nerves were adorable. I knew what this talk was about. I had been anticipating it.

“Let’s go sit over there, boy,” I suggested, pointing to a couch at the far end of the room. He nodded, and I led him away from the hustle and bustle of the crowd. “What is on your mind, boy?”

“Well, as you know, I’ve been speaking with Master Viktor for several weeks now.” His hands fidgeted in his lap, fingers wringing together as he refused to meet my gaze. Sir Viktor was an incredible Dominant; well spoken, well educated, and well vetted. He had been courting Thomas for weeks now, and I could not have been happier for the two of them.

“Yes, I’m aware.”

“Well, after weeks of talking, getting to know one another, and vetting each other, I think we are ready to move to the next step.” His breath hitched as nerves took over.

“How do you feel about this, boy?” I continued using his honorific, and would, until such a time as we ended our dynamic. It was what we had negotiated.

“I feel beyond good, Lady Luxe.” He turned those bright eyes, those flushed cheeks and that beautiful smile on me, and I felt my heart swell with happiness for the dear boy.

“Have you begun negotiations?”

“We have, though nothing has been solidified, nor will it be, without your consent.”

“Good boy. Do you have any concerns? Any questions?” I asked him, watching every expression, every gesture like a hawk.

“I really don’t have any questions. Well, not about Master Viktor, at least.” His hands wrung in his lap, his gaze fixed solidly on the ground below us. I could feel the nerves and worry radiating off of him in waves.

“Boy, look at me.” The sharp command caught his attention, his back straightening and his shoulders rolling back. His eyes met mine, his lower lip caught between his teeth. “Tell me what has you worried.”

“I’m worried you’ll be upset with me for leaving you. For ending our contract.” His honest words tugged at my soul, a smile turning up the corners of my lips as I pulled him into my embrace.

“Boy, this was always the plan. You told me the day we signed our contract that you were looking for something specific, something I could not and cannot give you. Our time together has been so beautiful, so valuable. But you have found what you are looking for. If you think for one second that I am anything but eternally thrilled for you, you would be utterly and completely wrong. I could not be happier for you. That being said, I have one question for you.”
