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“Not in the eyes of the law. And I used that to my advantage. After I healed, I buried the truth deep inside of me. I finished high school, keeping myself as invisible as possible until after graduation. I applied for college, and was accepted at a university on the other side of the state. And I kept up the act. Staying invisible. Until Jamie saw me. He peered through my shield of obscurity andsawme. But I left the girl I was back in Ohio. I became the Sadie you see today by never speaking of it again, other than the single time I told Jamie the truth. I vowed to never speak of it again, and to never let myself even be reminded of that girl. Until you. You changed my mind, Thatcher.”

My tear-filled eyes found his, sadness and pain reflected right back at me like a mirror, much as Jamie’s had years before.

“So now you know it. The whole truth. After Jake, and after my parents, trust just never came easily to me. Jamie was the exception to the law I placed on myself, and I truly never thought there would be a reason to change that. But then along came you.” Our eyes never left each other’s.

“Sadie, I had no idea,” Thatcher stumbled through the words.

“How could you?”

“Can I hug you?” He pled with me. Jamie sat silently beside me, watching the exchange unfold.

“I need to know if this is too much. I’m not perfect, Thatcher. Not even close.”

“No one is, Sadie.”

“But can you handle this? Can you handle me? I’m not going to be perfect. I’m not going to always make the right decisions. Sometimes I will falter or slip back. I do not know what I’m doing, to be honest. I have nothing to base anything on when it comes to romantic relationships involving kink and sex. It’s not what I know. It’s unfamiliar, scary, and new. Can you deal with that?”

“I can deal with that on one condition.” He cleared his throat, rubbing a hand over his face.

“And what’s that?”

“You have to talk to me. Promise to communicate with me, and not ghost me like that again. If you can do that, I’m all in, Sadie. Are you?”

I thought about his words, giving them the weight and consideration they deserved. He deserved that much.Wedeserved that much.

“I can do that,” I answered with every ounce of sincerity I possessed.

We lapsed into silence for a few moments as each of us, in our own way, processed what had just taken place. For the first time in years, I was forced to look at my past, my trauma, right in the face. No hiding, no running away, no shoving it in a little box and ignoring it. Was I going to be able to put myself back together again after tonight? I felt so broken after sharing my story that I didn’t know how I could ever be okay again. Maybe Jamie was right. Maybe the only way that I could face this was to talk to someone. A professional.

The thought of having to tell my story again, after just sharing it with Thatcher, hit me like a punch in the gut. I couldn’t do that. I couldn’t expose myself like that again. And to a stranger? No… no, I couldn’t do that. My mind shied away from the idea, and I shook my head, looking up and finding Thatcher looking back at me with tenderness. His eyes brought me back to the present a bit, and I gave him a tentative smile. He smiled back warmly.

“So what happens now?” Jamie asked beside us. “What does the next step look like?”

“Well, I’d like to take her on a date, if she’ll accept,” Thatcher said with a soft chuckle. That little lilt to his lips, that smirk I had come to adore, made my chest feel just a little lighter.

“I think I’d like that,” I admitted without hesitation.

“Then it’s settled. Thatcher will take you out to dinner tomorrow night.” Jamie exclaimed, clapping his hands on his thighs with a bright smile.

“Tomorrow!” I nearly squawked. Jamie simply pinned me with a look before responding.

“Yes, tomorrow.”

“Don’t get toppy with me, Mister.” I scoffed playfully, raising an eyebrow at my adorable husband.

He leaned in towards me, pinning me with the singularly most dominant look I’d ever seen on him. “Don’t pull that Domme shit with me. You may be Lady Luxe there, and to him, but don’t forget that to me, you’re still Sadie Day.”With that, he left Thatcher and me to our talks, making his way up to the bedroom.

“So, what happens now?” Thatcher asked.

“Well, apparently a date tomorrow night,” I answered, chuckling lightly.

“And after that?”

“I want to scene with you again.” I admitted quickly. I wanted exactly that, and I wanted it badly.

“Thank God for that.” He laughed, relaxing back into the chair.

“You want that, too?”
