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“What about you? What did you study in college? Did you study art?”

“I did. But that was my minor. I actually use both degrees, though.”

“You do?”

“I do. I’m an artist, but I also am a web developer. I studied graphic design. It seemed like a good fall back in case my career as an artist didn’t take off. That way, I’d still get to have an artistic outlet, even if it was different than I had planned. Now I do both. I love both.”

“Looks like I’m not the only mysterious one in this relationship,” I said with a smirk, hugging his arm a little closer.

“You smell amazing.” The whispered words were laced with a tone of seduction that curled in my belly and lit my arousal anew.

“I’m pretty sure I smell like pasta and chocolate.” I laughed. A family with several children passed by, the youngest of them running around us with flushed cheeks and tinkling giggles, making both of us smile and look back as they ran along.

“No, it’s something else. Vanilla, but not simply vanilla. I can’t put my finger on it.”

“Vanilla, sandalwood, and grapefruit, actually. It’s an odd mix to hear, but it smells incredible. Or at least, I think so.” I shrugged, blushing a little at his compliments. His steps slowed, his head leaning down towards mine.

“It makes me want to run my lips along your skin until I’ve memorized every place you spray that scent, tasting you, touching you, committing every fragrance to memory.”

I shivered at his words, my thighs clenching as the image flooded my mind.

“That blush on your face makes me want to discover just how far it travels down your body.” He whispered sensually. I was still thinking about the feel of his lips on my skin when he turned us abruptly, almost pushing me into the thin alleyway between buildings. I opened my mouth to question what we were doing, but the words died on my lips as his hand pressed against my chest, pushing me back forcefully against the brick wall.


“Don’t speak.” His words, nearly growled with need, were the last words spoken before his lips found mine. This was not the kiss we shared in the restaurant. No, this was born of sinful passion and need.

His lips drank from mine harshly, teeth pulling at my lower lip, tongue diving in to taste me. I arched into him, but he pushed me into the wall harder, my back hitting with a soft thud, the box of uneaten cake dropping to the ground. His hands were everywhere all at once, moving over my curves, brushing over my ribcage and down to my hips, and lower, to the curve of my ass and down my thighs.

He pulled, lifting my leg to wrap around his hip as he ground his erection into me. I gasped, but any words I might have spoken left me as his mouth took mine captive, every nip and touch tasting of danger and desire.

“Your taste is like sin.” He groaned against my lips, his hand finding its way up the column of my neck, fingers tangling in my hair and tugging hard until I threw my head back, falling victim to the onslaught of his lust.

“Then get drunk on it.” I murmured against his mouth, nipping at his lower lip until he growled and devoured me again. His hand slipped around my leg, trailing up my inner thigh and finding the thin lace of my panties.

“Christ, you are wet.” He groaned against my lips. My nipples hardened, rubbing roughly against the matching lace of my bra as I arched into him, as much as he would let me. His kisses moved down my face, over my jaw, where he bit the tender flesh with a growl. It was hedonistic, primal, and made me absolutely gush for him as his fingers slid under the lace of my panties and found my cunt wet and ready for him.

I needed his touch. I need more. I needed him.

He found my clit, fingers swirling over the nub as my need grew, my moans panting out with every breath. His kisses ran down my neck, his teeth grazing over the beating pulse-point before he kissed back up to my lips. His lips claimed mine again, my hands wrapping around his neck and holding him close.

His kisses slowed, and he pulled away, leaving me there against the scratchy brick wall, panting, wanting, and an utter mess of sexual desire for him.

“Let’s head back to the car,” he said with a grin, picking up the bag with the likely crumbled chocolate cake,a sinister smirk on his lips.

“What? Um.. yeah.” I barely managed to stutter my way through words. I pushed away from the wall on shaky legs, and his arm wrapped around the small of my back as he led me back to the car to head home.

* * *

“Oh my God,”I whispered as I slumped against the front door. I could not have wiped the grin off of my face even if I had tried.

“Hey there, Sadie-bug!” Jamie called from the kitchen. “I’m making drinks. Do you want one?”

I heard him speak, but the words didn’t register. Not when I could still feel the tingling buzz of Thatcher’s kiss on my lips, could still feel his fingers playing along the folds of my pussy. My entire body hummed with the feel of him; from the way we laughed together, to the way he touched me. All of it had me completely discombobulated.

“Sadie?” He called my name again, walking out of the kitchen towards me with two drinks in his hand. “You okay, love?”

“Better than okay,” I said, murmuring dreamily.
