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“Love you, too.” I laughed as we hung up, shaking my head. Pamela was a character. Absolutely vivacious and loud in everything she did. And I was eternally grateful for all she had done for me.

I checked my appearance in the front hall mirror, smoothing out the wrinkles in my skirt, and checking my make up meticulously. My reflection was happy. I was happy. It felt good, and it felt right.

With a spring in my step, I made my way out of the front door, heels clicking on the driveway as I strode towards the mailbox. I pulled the mail from the box, shuffling through the thin stack of papers to see what had arrived. Mrs. Williams and Mrs. Jensen were doing the same across the street, and I gave them a wave and a smile.

One they did not return.

Instead, they turned to each other, covering their mouths as they whispered, eyes still on me.

That was strange.

“How are you ladies this morning?” I called across the street, shielding my eyes a little as the sun shone hotly against my face. They each gave me the singularly most fake smiles I had ever seen before rushing back into Mrs. Jensen’s home, gossiping all along the way, with glances back at me.

That wasbeyondstrange.

I walked back to the house with a shake of my head, letting the odd behavior wash away as I set the mail on the entryway table. It was too beautiful a day, and I was in too good a mood to let it bother me.

I walked back outside, ready to enjoy the fresh summer air on a short walk. I strolled down the sidewalk, enjoying the bustling business of the midmorning. Dogs barked, sprinklers sprayed, and people walked around talking amongst themselves. It was one of the things I loved most about Apple Grove. It was like a movie. The perfect little quaint town, full of families and people I had gotten to know over the years, even if only on the surface level. Even Mrs. Snyder was busy arguing with a neighbor over God only knows what issue she had come up with. I shook my head with a light chuckle.

“Good morning, Mr. Evans,” I said as I passed the older gentleman. He groused, giving me a downright dirty look as he scoffed and made disgruntled noises, shaking his head and quickening his steps away. “Mr. Evans?” I called out to his retreating back, but he waved his hand back at me like I was a nuisance.

Normally he was such a kind man. We’d had several talks about chess over the years, and I had no idea what I had done to upset him. I had half a mind to run after him and ask. If I’d done anything, I wanted to rectify the issue. Instead, I continued my walk, choosing to not let his bad mood sour my own.

As I walked along, I saw a group of women, several from our local book club, gathered on the corner of Willis Drive and Cherry Lane.

“Ladies!” I called out, waving with a smile. “Good morning!” I walked up, eager to talk to them. I enjoyed the easy conversation. We had missed several weeks of book club due to busy schedules with children’s sports activities. If I remembered correctly, we would be starting up again next week. I made a mental note to check my calendar about it.

“Well, if it isn’t Sadie Day,” Olivia Gray said with such a scowl, it literally stopped me in my tracks as I approached.

“Is everything okay, Olivia?” I asked, genuinely concerned.

“Ha! Why don’t you tell us?” I looked as each of the five gathered women crossed their arms in front of their chest, half of them glaring at me, the other two avoiding my gaze like their life depended on it.

“I’m having a wonderful morning, thank you.” I answered hesitantly. It felt like there was something going on that I wasn’t aware of, but none of them said anything.

“Oh, I’ll bet you are. Come on, ladies.” With a wave of her hand, Olivia pulled the other four women down the street in the opposite direction, even going so far as to cross to the other side of the road. All the while, they tittered on, giving me heated glances over their shoulders.

Suddenly, my walk didn’t seem like such a good idea anymore. What was going on here today? I made my way back home, deciding that I’d rather bake something tasty for Jamie than continue out here where things made no sense today. I wouldn’t let it ruin my good mood.

As soon as I closed the front door behind me, I felt the weight of whatever the hell that was lift off of my shoulders. Yes, baking was the right call. I pulled out my phone to call Jamie.

“Hey there, Sadie-bug.” Jamie greeted me. Just the sound of his voice helped wash away the weirdness of the morning.

“Hello, handsome! I was wondering if you had any requests for me.”

“Hmm, I was thinking about a vacation home in Boca Raton. What do you think?” He answered.

“Oh, Jamie.” I teased him for his silliness. “I mean for dessert. I’m in the mood to bake and wanted to fix something special.”

“Hmm, what about something with the peaches I picked up at the farmer’s market the other day?”

“That’s a great idea! Perhaps a tart.”

“God, that sounds good.” He groaned.

“Oh! How about a rosemary peach galette?” I suggested excitedly. It had been a while since I had made one.

“Woman, this is why I love you! That. That is exactly what I want.”
