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“What are we going to do, Jamie?” I asked.

“We could just tell everyone the truth. I mean, honesty is the best policy, after all.”

“You want to just tell them the truth?” I asked, feeling depleted from the crying, stress, and turmoil.

“I mean, why not?”

“Yeah, Sadie, what’s the worst that could happen?” Danielle added.

“Um, we could be driven out of our home by all the gossip. That’s what could happen! I swear, am I the only one here taking this seriously?”

“Gossip is just words, love. We have a home here, and I think you’d honestly be surprised by how many people would be supportive if they understood it.” Jamie tried to reason with me.

“But what about you, Jamie? What about your job? I mean, Jesus! You could lose your job over something like this!”

“Sadie-bug, my office has known my truth for three years now. I promise you I will not lose my job.” His admission shocked me, nearly stealing my breath.

“What?” I asked, barely whispering.

“Yeah. And do you know what? The world did not come crashing down,” he said with a smile.

“Why did you do that?”

“I told them because I was tired of living a lie. My coworkers and I have grown close over the years, and I wanted to be able to be real with them. So I told them the truth. It was as simple as that.”

“And it wasn’t awful? There wasn’t any backlash? At all?”

“It was beyond scary to be that honest and that vulnerable, but it went beautifully. Now we’re closer now than ever. That’s actually how I met Valen. They are Chris’s sibling.” He chuckled lightly, shaking his head.

“So, do you think you’ll do it, Sadie?” Danielle asked.

“Tell everyone? I can’t even imagine it.”

“I think we’re missing a step here, love,” Jamie said.

“We are?” My eyes found his, and he gave me a gentle smile.

“You need to talk to Thatcher. This doesn’t involve only us anymore. Coming out involves him, too.” He was right.

“Danielle, hand me my phone.” When she obliged, I quickly sent Thatcher a text. “I asked him to come over. This doesn’t feel like the kind of conversation to have over text.”

“Right you are, Sadie-bug.” Jamie pulled me back in, kissing my forehead and rubbing his hand up and down the length of my arm in comfort. “Right you are.”

Thatcher wasn’t able to join us for another hour due to work, but I felt a weight come off my chest when he walked through the front door.

“Good to see you, Tripp.” Jamie greeted him with a handshake.

“Sorry about the wait. I was finishing up a painting.”

“You’ve got to let me see some of your work soon.” Jamie chuckled, leading all of us into the living room. Danielle had left shortly before, wanting to give us our space.

“I’ll make sure to do that. So what brings us here tonight?” Thatcher asked, settling into the chair while Jamie and I both sat on the couch.

We quickly brought him up to speed, telling him everything Danielle had told us, along with how things had gone on my walk this morning.

“My suggestion to Sadie was to come out in the open about our situation. The whole truth. I made the same call at work a few years ago, and life has been much simpler for me there ever since.”

“But we want to know your opinion, too. This is your life as well.” I urged him.
