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“I’ve been out for years. Coming out here in Apple Grove wouldn’t bother me a bit,” Thatcher admitted.

“You haven’t found that difficult?” I asked him honestly.

“Not in the slightest. I don’t announce it, but if it comes up, I’m honest. Honesty is the best policy.”

Jamie shot me a look.

“I think Jamie’s right, though. Tackle the situation head on, and be honest,” Thatcher said.

“What do you think, Sadie?”

“How would we even do such a thing?” I asked, feeling better than I had before, and yet just as confused and worried. At least the panic had receded.

“I think we should have a party. Invite everyone over and make an announcement,” Jamie suggested.

“That sounds like a horrible idea.” I grumbled.

“No, I think Jamie is on to something. If everyone already knows, why not tell everyone the truth all at once?” Thatcher agreed.

“I don’t know. I understand what you’re saying. I just don’t know how I feel about it.”

“Well, we don’t have to decide anything today.” Thatcher’s reassurance was more than welcomed.

“That’s right. Why don’t you take some time to think about it, Sadie-bug,” Jamie agreed.

“Sadie-bug. That’s cute. I like it.” Thatcher chuckled. “I’ll head out for now. Thank you both for including me in this. It feels good to have a healthy poly situation. I’ve had one or two bad ones in the past, but this? This is good.”

“I’ll let you two say goodbye.” Jamie made his way back to the kitchen, giving us some space.

“Thank you again for coming over, Thatcher. And for being so open,” I said. He pulled me in, kissing my forehead.

“Sadie, I’m all in, remember? That’s what we agreed to.” I nodded. He tilted my chin up with his fingers, leaning down to kiss me. I melted under his touch, leaning into the warmth of his body as our lips opened and his tongue met mine. It lasted only a moment, but that moment was enough to sustain me. “I’ll pick you up tomorrow night for our scene.”

“I’m looking forward to it.” I whispered against his lips.

“As am I.” He gave me a quick wink before he left for home.

I had no idea what I was going to do about all of this drama, but I knew I could let it go and focus on the scene we had planned for tomorrow. At least I had something to keep my mind on for the rest of the night.


The next daywas just as much of a nightmare as the day before had been. I got stares, whispers, and even caught a few curses thrown my direction.

Slut. Jezabel. Whore. Home-wrecker.

What stood out to me most was that instead of feeling panic and dread, I found myself shocked at the behavior of the neighbors I had long called friends. I had known these people for years, had helped them through bad times, and celebrated them in good times. I had helped with festivals and children’s plays, barbeques, and parties. But never had I seen this kind of behavior from these people.

It broke my heart to think that the place I had called home for this many years had forsaken me based on nothing more than the whisperings of a rumor. Jamie's and Thatcher’s words rang in my ears, ricocheting through my mind like a pinball machine. Was it the right call to come out in the open? And if we decided to do that, was announcing it at a party the way to do it? If we didn’t, we’d just be letting the rumor mill run its course more, and I wasn’t sure I wanted to perpetuate that kind of behavior. It didn’t need any nurturing. It was already overgrown and problematic as it was.

I had called Danielle over for lunch earlier that day, wanting to get her opinion. She had given it in spades the day before, agreeing with Jamie and Thatcher, but now that we had all had time to sleep on it, I wondered if she had any new thoughts on the matter. She only doubled down on what the two men had already agreed on.

Now, as I prepared myself for the scene with Thatcher at Haven, I worked to push all thoughts of it from my mind. My focus needed to be solely on being Lady Luxe and taking care of Septus, my submissive. The thought of him as my submissive made me grin as I stared at my reflection in the mirror. We were only in a trial period so far, but I had no doubt that we would become permanent partners. He was a match for me, if there had ever been one, and not only in kink.

My heart pounded, butterflies erupting in my belly at the memory of our date. Even the fact that we had been caught couldn’t stifle them. He was wonderful, and the new budding relationship with him was good. No matter what else happened, I knew that was true, and I clung to it like a lifeline.

Jamie came into the room with a spring in his step and whistled appreciatively at my outfit for the evening. “Good lord Sadie! You are stunning tonight! Careful you don’t give Thatcher a heart attack before the scene even begins.”

I rolled my eyes playfully, but couldn’t keep the smile from my lips. “Thank you, darling. You are looking handsome tonight yourself!” I pretended to straighten his collar a bit and kissed his cheek. He returned the kiss, taking my hands in his as his expression grew more serious.
