Page 14 of Pretty Little Toy

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Ilya’s eyebrow rises in question. “Have you never been fucked in the ass before,moya feya?” he asks with mild surprise.

Moment of truth.“I’ve never been fucked before,” I admit, my face flaming with embarrassment.

“You’re a virgin?” He’s definitely shocked this time.

I nod, dropping my gaze to my lap as I suddenly feel overwhelmingly shy.

A low hum rumbles from the large Russian’s chest. “I know how to take a girl’s virginity the right way, and I promise you will enjoy it–if that’s what you want to do.”

A throbbing ache bursts to life low in my stomach at his words, and my pulse fills my ears with a dull roar. I don’t know why, but hearing Ilya say he can promise I’ll enjoy my first time is intensely erotic. Daring to look into his eyes once more, I bite my lip.

Internally, a war wages between my certainty that I’m not ready for this and my overwhelming desire to feel how good sex can be. I’m positive Ilya knows how to make a girl feel pleasure. The steady confidence in his alluring voice, the apparent knowledge he already has on the topic, his familiarity with the club–he’s had plenty of practice pleasing women.

“Alright,” I say, then immediately regret the vague agreement. “I’m willing to have sex with you, but I’m still not sure if I’m ready to commit to your whole contract.”

Ilya nods slowly. “That’s fine. Seeing as you’re more inexperienced than I had anticipated, I think it is only fair that you know what you’re getting into before you agree.” Ilya finishes his drink and rises from his seat. “Come,” he commands, holding out his hand to help me from my chair.

My heart hammers in my chest, and I gulp down the rest of my drink as well, giving myself a mild brain freeze, before I accept his help and slide off the tall chair. He guides me from the bar and down the door-lined hallway to the end, his hand resting on the small of my back the entire way.

I’m intensely aware of our size difference as he stands beside me–him almost a foot taller than me with broad shoulders and nearly twice my weight in pure muscle. Over a lifetime of confronting danger head-on and fighting my way through conflict, I suddenly find myself at a loss for what I might do if this ends up being a very bad decision. But it’s too late now, and I cling to the safe words Ilya gave to me, repeating them in my head like a mantra in the hopes that he’ll actually abide by them if I chicken out.

Opening the door to our own private room, Ilya ushers me inside, and my heart breaks into a sprint as soon as my eyes land on the queen-sized bed occupying the center of the room. The headboard looks more like the bars of a prison cell, with handcuffs already attached along with restraints at the foot of the bed to restrict a person’s movement. Elegant dark-gray sheets cover the expanse along with comfortable-looking pillows.

With my panic rising in my throat, I don’t dare look closely at any of the other impressive contraptions throughout the room. The bed alone has my stomach in knots, and I’m sure if I lay eyes on some more obvious torture device, I’ll be sprinting for the door before I can even say “safe.”

The door clicks gently shut behind me, echoing like a death toll in my mind.

“Take off your clothes,” Ilya commands, his tone turning dark and dangerous.

I turn to face him, my heart racing, and find his face transformed into that of predatory anticipation. His dark eyes comb down my body, stripping me before my hands can do the job, and I shiver at the way he mentally undresses me.

When I hesitate to follow his order, Ilya steps closer to me, looking down on me as warmth radiates from his chest to wash over my shaking limbs. His hands find my hips, his fingers burning holes through my dress as they slide down my legs to the hem. Then slowly, tantalizingly, Ilya guides the fabric up over my hips and waist, exposing my flesh inch by inch as his eyes stare deep into my soul.

When he reaches my breasts, I raise my arms over my head, showing my willingness even if my hands are too numb to do the job myself. For an instant, I lose sight of Ilya as my dress slides up over my head. And then he’s tossing it aside so that he can take in my exposed flesh for the first time. A throaty growl escapes his throat, making me tremble harder. But I refuse to stay the meek girl who passively stands by as he undresses me.

Tucking my thumbs into the waist of my tights, I push them down over my hips, using enough force that the torn edges of my chewed nails rip an impressive snag in their black fabric. I step out of my combat boots and finish removing my tights a moment later, then stand to my full height in nothing but my bra and panties.

Ilya’s fingers brush lightly across my chest, tracing the line of my cleavage as I reach behind me to unclasp my bra, and I let it drop to the floor. My nipples are already hard with arousal, and Ilya grazes one, drawing a gasp from my lips before he withdraws his hand.

My panties are the hardest to remove. The last shred of fabric protecting me from this stranger’s penetrating gaze. As soon as they’re gone, I will be entirely at his mercy. Before I can change my mind, I strengthen my resolve and push them down, stepping out of them so I’m not tempted to stoop and pull them back on.

“Krasivaya,” Ilya purrs, igniting my excitement. “Now show me, my ballerina, just how flexible are you?”

At a loss for what to do, I stand mutely in place.Does he want me to start stretching? Dancing?Now that I’m naked, I find I’m more exhilarated by his gaze than shy, but I’ve also never done anything like this, and I don’t know the first thing about trying to be sexy.

“Bend over,” Ilya commands as if sensing my confusion.

I do as he says, folding in half at the waist to wrap my arms around my knees. Ilya slowly circles me, a hum of approval escaping him as he takes in the sight of my exposed pussy. His hand strokes my ass cheeks appreciatively, like one might run their hand over the back of a prized horse.

“Now stand and give me your leg,” he commands as he faces me once again.

As I unfold from my stretch, my face comes dangerously close to the impressive bulge of his pants, and my mouth goes dry as I consider the hard cock encased within the quality fabric. His right palm is already upturned before him, waiting for my leg in the same gesture one might put their hand out to accept money. Balancing on my right foot, I lift my left leg, setting my ankle onto his palm.

Slowly, he guides my foot further into the air, spreading my thighs until my knee is fully extended, putting me in a full aerial split. Ilya groans as he steps close to me, pinning my leg between us as his arms find my waist.

His lips hover inches from mine as he rasps, “Soon, I will take you just like this.”

Excitement floods through me, turning my skin feverish as slick arousal gushes over my folds, making me wet in an instant, and Ilya breathes deeply, as if smelling my excitement in the air. Stepping back, he releases my leg, though his eyes burn with the intensity of his own arousal.

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