Page 36 of Pretty Little Game

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When Cassio finally pulls back, we’re both gasping for air as we meet each other’s eyes. All the mischievous, playful light that usually brightens his gaze is gone, replaced by a burning desire that makes me tremble.

“Come with me?” he murmurs, his breath whispering across my skin.

I nod, unable to trust my voice. I drop my legs to the floor, allowing Cassio to slide from the seat, and I follow him to a stand. His fingers find mine, and he guides me toward the stairs leading to the small quarters below deck.

I’m only a step behind him, the ripples of excitement coursing through me, beginning at our joined hands as he leads the way. Then, at the bottom of the stairs, he turns to face me, our lips aligning as the stairs make up for our difference in height.

He kisses me fiercely again, stopping me dead in my tracks as he pulls me close once more, and I wrap my arms around his neck, my legs around his hips as he lifts me off my feet. One strong arm holds me at the waist, and the other finds my thigh, squeezing and massaging it as he holds me in place.

Jolts of anticipation zing to my core as his touch slowly edges higher up my leg, and his lips never cease their mission to consume me. Carrying me across the small enclosure, Cassio finds the double bed tucked neatly around the stairs toward the back of the boat.

We fall onto the pristine white sheets, a tangle of limbs as we continue to make out frantically. I’m so consumed by Cassio’s overwhelming presence I can hardly breathe. I’m alone with him–no distractions or limitations to stop me from kissing him, exploring him, learning his body.

And I want to discover every inch. Cassio seems to be on the same page as he lies on top of me, his hips keeping my thighs spread wide. I can feel his excitement, his erection pressing into my pelvis.

As he leans on one forearm, his free hand slowly slides up my thigh to grip my hip, and then he moves up to my waist. Soft fingers caress my bare flesh, almost tickling as they reach my ribs. They creep higher, sliding over the silk fabric of my top.

I gasp as Cassio palms my breast, making my clit throb and an inferno burst to life inside me. He squeezes the supple flesh, massaging it as his thumb teases my nipple into a hard point. A groan issues deep in his throat, vibrating against my lips.

“God, you’re perfect,” he breathes, his silken voice making my stomach quiver.

I lift my head off the pillow to initiate another kiss, rewarding him for making me feel beautiful. At the same time, I release my hold around his neck, letting my arms slide between us as my fingers find the buttons of his shirt.

They’re shaking so hard that it’s difficult to undo the long row, but Cassio’s patience allows me to undress him as he continues to explore my mouth with his tongue and knead my breasts, teasing my nipples relentlessly.

“I’ve wanted to be with you for so long,” he confesses. “No interruptions, nothing to stop me from doingexactlywhat I’ve been aching to do to you.”

My heart’s pounding so fast I can hardly breathe. When the edges of his shirt finally fall open, exposing his chest, I’m both exhilarated and terrified to touch him.

I already saw him shirtless in the water and on the beach, and I know how fit and firm his chest and well-defined abs are. Yet, Somehow, touching him now seems so much more erotic.

Before, I’d been nervous to get too close, afraid I might lose control of myself. Now, I don’t know where to start. As if sensing my hesitation, Cassio pulls back to study my face, putting enough space between us that I can see the flat planes of his muscles, the solid six-pack that flexes as he maintains his position hovering above me.

“You’re so… beautiful,” I murmur in awe, unable to find the right word to fully express how sexy I find his toned muscles that look so effortlessly athletic.

Humor tugs at the corners of Cassio’s lips, making him that much more devastatingly handsome as he tries not to laugh at me. “Thank you,” he teases gently with his tone, reminding me that he’s well aware of the effect he has on plenty of women besides me.

Tentatively, I reach out to touch him, running my fingers over the soft skin of his chest, amazed at how silky he is with a light smattering of chest hair. No tattoos mark his skin like my brothers and so many of his Bratva men. Perhaps that’s a difference between Italian and Russian culture. Or maybe it’s Cassio’s way of removing himself from his mafia ties.

Whatever the reason, I love the sight of his untainted flesh. When I push his shirt back over his shoulders, Cassio helps me readily, sitting up to remove the fabric. Then he falls on me again, his skin warm against mine as he reclaims my lips.

“Your turn,” he growls playfully when he comes up for air.

In an agile maneuver, he rolls us across the mattress until I’m on top, straddling him. The sense of power and confidence the new position gives me makes me bold. As Cassio’s fingers grip my hips, I sit up, grinding against his hard cock as if to ride him.

Anticipation lights Cassio’s eyes, and he watches me closely as I reach for the side zipper of my crop top beneath my left armpit. Despite my tenacity, my fingers are still trembling, making the process take longer.

Cassio doesn’t seem to mind, his fingers lightly tickling the exposed skin of my midriff as he watches me closely. “Your skin’s so soft,” he purrs, making me shiver.

Heat warms my cheeks as I bite back a moan of pleasure from the combined sound of his smooth voice and the feather touch of his fingers.

Finally, I manage to unzip my shirt and unhook its single clasp, releasing my breasts from their cage. Trying my best to appear sexy and like I have the slightest idea of what I’m doing, I ease the slip of fabric up over my shoulders and head, exposing my hardened nipples.

“Fuck,” Cassio hisses, animal hunger transforming his proud features. His hands slide up my sides, his fingers spread wide to explore my skin. They travel around my back, finding my shoulder blades, and he pulls me down onto him once more.

Goosebumps rise, making me shiver, as my sensitive nubs find his warm chest. Why it would make such a difference, I can’t fathom, but the sensation of our bare skin pressed against each other feels so much more intimate than our embrace just a moment before.

I can feel his muscles flexing beneath me as he rises to capture my lips with a new level of intensity. One hand holds me close as the other traces down my spine, finding the waist of my jeans before moving lower to grab my ass.

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