Page 37 of Pretty Little Game

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“So fucking sexy,” he groans, giving my ass an extra squeeze.

I moan, my hips rolling involuntarily in response.

Relishing the feel of his strong, broad shoulders, I make my way up his body, exploring his arms, shoulders, traps, and then into his soft, thick hair. Zinging pleasure courses through me as Cassio releases my lips to trail kisses back to the lobe of my ear, which he captures lightly between his teeth.

Slowly, he makes his way down my neck and along my collarbone, showering each inch of skin with affection and making me ache with need. Rock into him, and dry hump him like a high school girl in her first makeout session.

In all honesty, this is the first time I’ve made out with anyone like this. I’ve never taken my clothes off for a man before. Hell, no one’s ever even felt me up, but I can tell Cassio knows what he’s doing. His touch is so confident, every movement intentional and effective as he brings my excitement to unbearable heights.

“God, you’re driving me crazy,” Cassio groans, his tone making me ache with yearning.

He shifts beneath me, one arm propping against the mattress as he rolls on top of me again, easing me back onto my pillow as he keeps our bodies inextricably intertwined. One hand slowly works its way between us as he finds the top button of my jeans, and my heart stutters erratically.

I can hear the muted zip of my zipper coming down, and a new, intense anticipation floods me, a heady concoction of excitement and fear. My clit throbs almost painfully, and at the same time, my gut twists with nerves.

“I want you so fucking bad,” he rasps.

I feel like I might burst with the need to have Cassio inside me. I want to lose my virginity to him, to know what it’s like to have him take me, to give him all of me. And at the same time, it terrifies me to know that he’s been with other girls.

I’ve never really even dated anyone before, and I’m worried I’ll do something stupid or say something I'll regret.What if I’m not as good as the other girls he’s been with? And what if I don’t enjoy it because I’m too inexperienced?

Overwhelming doubt and insecurity bubble up inside me, filling me with unexpected panic. My breaths come short and fast, making me lightheaded as I think about what sex will be like.

“I…” I gasp through a strangled breath, unsure of what I actually want to say.

I’ve wanted this for so long, to have someone want all of me–to dare claim me even though my brother is a force to be reckoned with. But I feel as though my heart might explode; it’s pounding so hard against my ribcage.

Cassio stills above me, his hand poised at the opening of my jeans, and he pulls back to look me in the eye. Concern colors their hazel depths as he studies my tense face. “Do you want me to stop?” he breathes.

I bite my lip, shaking my head adamantly. I don’t want him to stop. What he’s doing feels so fucking good. It’s everything I’ve wanted him to do to me since the first time we kissed. Still, the waves of anxiety crashing through me won’t allow me to say as much.

“Bianka, you look half scared out of your mind,” he counters, his hand moving slowly away from the opening of my jeans to rest lightly between my breasts. “God, your heart’s beating a mile a minute. What’s wrong? Did I push you too far?”

“No,” I insist forcefully. “It’s just… I’m still a virgin,” I whisper, the heat of embarrassment pooling in my cheeks.

Cassio’s eyes soften as his lips curve into a kind smile. “And do you want to stay that way? Are you waiting for marriage? Because I would never want to force myself on you. You know that, right?”

Could this man be any more perfect? How can someone from such a brutal family with such a challenging upbringing be so gentle?I blink back tears of gratitude as I nod. Then I realize I was responding to his last question, but I need to explain myself more fully to avoid confusion.

I place my hand over his, resting on my heart. “I know you wouldn’t. And I’m not waiting until marriage. It’s just, being in my family, I’ve never really met anyone who would risk dating me–let alone try to sleep with me–because of my brother.”

Cassio remains silent, waiting for further explanation, and I consider it for a moment–the reason why Ilya has seemed to scare men off who show interest in me.

“I think because of his upbringing, Ilya has always been very protective of me. He grew up seeing women treated like property. That’s how my father handled his mistresses. And for most of his life, even Ilya used women as contractual escorts rather than companions–until he met Whitney.”

I shake my head, my eyes dropping to our hands as I confess. “I guess no one’s been brave enough to want to have sex with me before,” I murmur, ashamed to admit that I’m still a virgin and not by choice. “And now that someone finally does, I feel like I’m going to muck it all up. I’ve waited so long, and Iwantto lose my virginity to you, but I’m just freaking out.” My pulse kicks up a notch just talking about it, exposing my nerves that I just wish would disappear.

“Bianka?” Cassio says, his rich voice gentle as he silently commands me to look at him.

I do, meeting his eyes with reticence.

“I want you. I want you more than I remember ever wanting anyone or anything in my life, and that’s not going to change based on what we do or don’t do tonight. We can go as slowly as you need. Okay?”

Dizzying relief eases the fist constricting my heart, and suddenly I feel like I can breathe again. I nod, my hair rustling against the pillow as I look deep into Cassio’s warm eyes. Leaning in, Cassio closes the distance between us, his hand gliding up my chest to shape itself around the back of my neck.

He kisses me deeply, passionately, confirming his words with the intensity of his embrace. Heat licks through me, burning away any remaining doubt as my hands find his strong, corded back muscles.

I explore his body with my fingers as Cassio’s lips and tongue return the favor, first delving deep into my mouth, tasting me as I savor the flavor of his lips. Then his fingers tip my chin up and to the side so he can lavish attention on the sensitive skin beneath my jaw and throat.
