Page 42 of Pretty Little Game

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“I’m glad I found a way to be near her,” I add, finishing off my buttons and settling back against the seat. “I felt like a stalker these last two years, pretending she doesn’t exist and then turning green with jealousy every time a guy spoke to her. It’s been torture.”

“It must have sucked, hitting it off so well with someone our father disapproves of. I don’t know what I would do if he told me I couldn’t see Ellie. And after you and Bianka got close so quickly during our theater elective?” Lucca shakes his head in disbelief. “I was sure you two would end up together until Father forbade it.”

“Well, it seems you were right anyhow. I hope you enjoyed yesterday because I plan on pursuing Bianka through whatever means necessary–even if that means sneaking around until she graduates Rosehill.”

Lucca chuckles as he pulls into the student parking lot and finds a spot. “I thought it was pretty fun, actually. And I’ll never say no to more time with Ellie.” Then he turns to face me, his expression growing serious. “But really, Cass, you’re sure you want to take the risk? I mean, you’re putting a lot on the line for this girl–for herandus.”

I know what he’s not saying from the sidelong glance he gives me. He’s always been more insistent on the good we could do by maintaining our connection to the family,usingthe money our father gives us. And I’m sure having Ellie to think about now would only intensify that position.

“You know Father wouldn’t hesitate to take away your inheritance if he found out… probably mine too if he knew I was helping you.”

A twinge of guilt tightens my stomach. I know I’m asking a lot. But I wouldn’t if Bianka didn’t mean so much to me. “Look, I get why you would be less inclined to help me. But I’m doing this with or without your help. It’s just that with your help would be a lot easier.”

Lucca’s worried expression softens into compassion. “You know I’m here for you, Cass. Whatever you need. Just… be careful, okay? You’re always so gung-ho about getting us into trouble, and this time, we might really end up screwing the pooch if we get caught.”

He grasps my shoulder, giving it a squeeze, and I don’t know that I’ve ever appreciated my brother more than I do right now.

“I will. I promise,” I say.

We part ways as soon as we’re out of the car, Lucca heading east toward the science buildings while I head west. I reach my first class of the day, scanning the room for Bianka, but she’s not here yet. I hope I gave her enough time to get ready.

I wish I’d given myself enough time to shower, but I’ll endure a day of beach grime if it means spending time with Bianka and not getting caught.

She arrives just before the bell, and since I chose a seat just one space away from Ellie, she’ll have to sit between us–a perfect reason for us to be next to each other without drawing suspicion.

She settles in even as the professor starts speaking, and I can smell the fresh, floral scent of her shampoo in her still-damp curls that she’s piled on top of her head in a messy bun. Loose strands cascade around her face and neck in haphazard perfection.

Bianka doesn’t look at me, seeming for all intents and purposes to be disinterested in my presence. I have to remind myself that it’s necessary to avoid suspicion. But still, I just want to close the distance between us, to take her hand.

I fight the urge, leaning forward to rest my forearms on my desk and appear to be listening intently. A moment later, a white slip of paper subtly transfers from Bianka’s desk to mine as she slides it beneath my palm.

I wait several seconds before unfolding it.Meet me in Room 114 after class.That’s all it says, but excitement courses through me at the invitation. I tuck the slip of paper into my pocket and glance sideways at the beautiful girl beside me, giving an almost imperceptible nod.

By the time class is done, I’ve probably gathered all of ten words from the lecture about set design. But I don’t care. I make my way down to the first floor and slip into Room 114, keeping my gait casual and acting natural.

A minute later, Bianka slips through the door as well and into the dim classroom lit only by the windows allowing sunshine to trickle in past the trees. Wearing a summer dress of watercolor pastels and matching sky-blue Louboutins, she’s as colorful and vibrant as the day I met her.

Stepping close, she doesn’t waste a minute as she grips my shirt and pulls me in for a kiss. I willingly comply, my hand finding her waist and sliding down over her hips as I spin her toward the wall and away from the door’s window.

“I missed you,” she breathes, her lips pulling up into a smile against mine.

A low growl rumbles up through my chest. “In the shower?” I suggest, seeing as that’s all she’s had time to do since I last saw her.

She nods, her arms wrapping around my neck as she kisses me deeply, and I groan, the thought of joining her making me hard in an instant. I lean against her, pinning her to the wall so I can feel the soft curves of her body pressed to mine.

“You’re going to kill me, woman. Are you trying to torture me?” I pull back enough to look into Bianka’s captivating eyes as they widen.

She shakes her head no, biting down on her lower lip. Reaching up to cup her face, I run the pad of my thumb along her full lip, forcing her to release it.

“That might sound like a bad thing, but I much prefer this,” I assure her and press my lips to hers once more. Then, with a moan, I release her and step back. “We need to get to class.”

Though she’s flushed with excitement, Bianka simply nods and turns to exit the room first. I remain behind, watching her graceful figure slip back into the hall and disappear. This is the most supreme kind of torture–having the girl of my dreams and yet being unable to claim her.

I make it through two more of our morning classes pretending like Bianka and I are two separate, indifferent entities, though my eyes drift to her every time I lose focus. And then it’s finally our Dramatization and Emotional Acting class–where I have a reasonable excuse to speak with her.

“Good news, my blossoming little actors and actresses. I have the official cast and understudies for this semester’s production ofRomeo and Juliet,” Professor Burgmann says boisterously as class starts for the day. “I’ve been watching you closely over the last few weeks and believe these are the perfect people for each part.”

The class falls silent immediately, everyone gathering near the professor to hear who will be playing what. For the first time, I actually care about my own role because it will directly impact how much time I get to spend with Bianka.
